You know what I love most about Tarot? It helps us navigate our way forward, towards manifesting our deepest desires and wildest dreams. How? By showing where we are right now and how we can get to where we are going.
It's just like a GPS that we might have for our car – a roadmap to let us know where we are and to show us how to get from Point A to Point B.
In this podcast episode, I invite Linda Marson, founder of Global Spiritual Studies and creator of TarotNav, to share how we can use the Tarot as a GPS for living our very best lives.
In this episode, you'll discover:
- How one Tarot reading inspired Linda's 20+ year journey with the Tarot
- How to use Tarot as a GPS for the soul
- A simple, yet powerful 5-card Tarot spread to pinpoint exactly where you are and uncover the ‘lay of the land'
- How the Tarot can take us from Point A to Point B AND avoid the potholes along the way
- An inspiring new project Linda is working on connecting people to their inner GPS with Tarot as a guide
Let's get into it!
[Tweet “Avoid the potholes of life. Use your #Tarot GPS! @tarotjourney @biddytarot”]Additional Resources:
- Global Spiritual Studies website
- TarotNav on Facebook
- Linda's 5-card GPS Tarot spread (you'll hear this in the podcast!)
Podcast Transcript
Brigit: You’re listening to the Biddy Tarot Podcast, and this is Episode 15: Tarot – The GPS for Life.
Welcome to the Biddy Tarot Podcast, where you will learn how to connect more deeply with your intuition and live an empowered and enlightened life with the Tarot cards as your guide.
Listen as Brigit and her guests share their very best tips and strategies to help you read Tarot with confidence. And now, here is your host Brigit Esselmont.
Brigit: Hello and welcome back to the Biddy Tarot Podcast!
Do you know what I love most about Tarot? I love that it helps us navigate our way forward towards manifesting our deepest desires and wildest dreams. How, exactly? Well, it shows us where we are right now, and how we can get to where we are going. So it’s kind of like a GPS, right?
Well, today I invited a very special guest to share how we can use the Tarot as a GPS for living our very best lives. My guest is the former president of the Tarot guild of Australia, founder of Global Spiritual Studies, and author of “Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards”. She's a talented and compassionate Tarot reader and teacher, based in Australia, and I am thrilled to have her here. Please welcome Linda Marson. Welcome Linda!
Linda: Thank you so much for that rep, Brigit. That was wonderful.
Brigit: Oh, it’s my pleasure. You know, we’ve known each other for quite a few years now. And I’m just saying, you know, how many awesome things you’ve done over that time. And, no doubt, way before we knew each other as well.
Linda: Yeah, and you’ve done some pretty awesome things, too, so we can now finish with “The Mutual Admiration Society.”
Brigit: Cheers to that.
Linda: Cheers to that, and let’s get on to this Tarot as a GPS.
Brigit: Well, actually, before we do, I’d love to know a little bit more about your journey with Tarot. What attracted you to Tarot in the first place?
Linda: Gosh, it’s so long ago… What happened was that one of my friends – this is going back 40 years or more – came rushing to me one day and said, “Oh, I’ve just been through this thing called a ‘Tarot Reading’, and she was so good and she was so accurate and she was so wonderful.” And I went, “Huh, what’s all that about?” And then, she kept going to this person and so I thought, “Oh, I better go, too.” Then I went and I was just hooked, I was like, “What is it in these 78 cards that can show you so much about yourself and where you should go?”
So after that, it was really just a matter of picking up books – there was no internet then, so, you, there was no way of finding out stuff other than through books. And so over the years I started just playing around with them, reading them for my friends and family, stuff like that, always with the book at hand. Then I went traveling – this was in the mid-90’s I think, yeah. I was away for a year, and in that year I suddenly realized, as I was playing with the cards – because, of course, they were my constant travel companions.
I realized that it was all about telling a story, and the moment I saw that, it all came together. It was like, ask a question, ask a clear question – that is, like a GPS, key in the destination you want, and out come your answers. And then you’re reading the pictures, and when I got back, I was doing more readings for people and they said, “Wow, you’re really good now!” And I thought I must have been… not so good before for you to be saying…
But it was interesting that it was realizing that it was about looking for direction, asking a clear question, and then making a story. And it doesn’t mean, as you know, it doesn’t mean just making up a fictional story, it means linking all those cards so that they answer the question you asked.
So anyway, that was how it all started, and then of course it just went on with getting into the Tarot guild and ending up as president for four years, and so on. Yep, yep, yep.
Brigit: And so, these days, nowadays, how do you interact with Tarot in your daily life?
Linda: Oh, I definitely read cards every day, just to have a look at what’s coming up. And then, always looking back to see whether they made sense, as well. I think that’s one of the things that we often don’t do, and that is to look back and see, “Oh, actually, this morning I thought that was going to be that,” and then by the end of the day you go, “Well, actually, given what happened today, it really had a slightly different flavor,” you know? And it just makes you more aware of the possibilities of what the cards could mean.
Brigit: Yeah, actually, I had a conversation with Tony Louis, the author of “Tarot Plain and Simple”, and that whole book was, you know, created – like, all of this Tarot card meanings were created because he took note of, when he did a reading, “How did that card come up? What transpired after that card?” And he came up with some beautiful, unique meanings that weren’t necessarily what you find in a book, you know? Very powerful and helpful meanings. So, I think looking back is incredibly important for that learning process.
Linda: Yes, because it’s about living the Tarot. Because we live the Tarot every single day of our lives, everything we do, every person we meet has a representative among those 78 cards. And that’s how you learn the meanings of the cards. You can relate them to real life experience, real people you know, I’m sure you’d agree on that one.
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: So, yeah, for me, you know, that’s why I’ve called my course “Live and Learn the Tarot” because that’s what it’s about, you know? A day when your first card that you’ve picked for the day is the Ten of Wands – and, of course, I’m thinking of the Rider-Waite deck when we’re talking. You know, that person carrying those ten wands has a lot of energy because there’s a sense of movement, as the person’s moving along.
But can they see where they’re going? No. They need to drop some of those sticks, you know? So we can all identify with a “Ten of Wands day”, where there is been too many things on our plate and we can’t see where we’re going. And the message, the direction, the GPS is telling you, “Drop some of those so you can see where you’re going.”
Brigit: So tell me your thoughts around Tarot as a GPS. What does that mean for you?
Linda: Well, I reckon the Tarot – I reckon this GPS, that can give you direction for your life and stop you going down dead-end streets and all those other things that you normally use a road GPS for. But if you think of your life as times when you go off in one direction and you go, “Oh God, why did I do that?” And so you have to retrace your steps, or start again, or whatever it all is. So, if you – people have been using the Tarot cards for centuries to do that. It’s just that it’s become a, sort of… not so much in recent years, but for a long time it was just, like, only a few select people who were indoctrinated, or whatever, could use this wonderful tool.
But, in fact, anyone can use it because it’s all about reading the pictures. And so, as far as I’m concerned, it’s time to make that Tarot as a GPS as common a tool, and as something we recognize in everyday life in the 21st century, just as we recognize Navman or Garmin or TomTom. To, sort of, take us on a road somewhere, you know? Let’s have a TarotNav, let’s actually have a GPS for life.
Brigit: And, you know, why should all those maps be secret or hidden or, you know…
Linda: That’s right.
Brigit: …locked away in, like, a special cave where you have to do a special handshake.
Linda: That’s right, yeah, and the maps. And the maps are all the layouts that we use. So there are some conventional ones we all use – the Celtic Cross, or a seven-card layout, which is sometimes called a horseshoe, or whatever all those common layouts are. But there’s nothing to stop you making your own. And that’s the sort of thing that, maybe, we could just talk about briefly.
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: That you can realize that you can set your own map. So, the wonderful thing about the Tarot GPS is that you can invent your map. I’ve just realized that. You don’t have to rely on the maps that have already been charted. You can certainly use them, or, of course, there’s always that free-flowing one which is, you know, just select three cards. Just give me some insight into what I need to know about doing this, or getting here, or whatever.
And you just pick three cards. But sometimes it’s better – the one that I wanted to talk about a bit is one that’s simply in the shape of a cross. And by a cross I just mean one vertical line, intersected by a horizontal line, so that you actually have five points. You have a card right in the middle, which is at the intersection point, then you have a card below it, you have a card above it, on the vertical line. And then, on the horizontal, you’ve got a card at each end of the horizontal.
And you can use that, because it actually represents a tree. So, think of it as a tree. Think of the horizontal line as the Earth, okay? So, there’s the tree – the card right in the middle, which should always be your first card, is the issue that you’re thinking about. Now, if you were… let’s relate it to relationships, for example. So, the first card you’d pick would be the present dynamic in the relationship, so you’ve got – and I use this often for quick relationship readings, there’s one sort of caveat, which I’ll talk about in a minute.
So the first card you’d pick is the present dynamic in the relationship, and with only five cards, I always get people to consciously select a card, rather than just dealing with the top. That’s my way, because I go, “Okay, this card you’re going to select is going to represent the present dynamic in the relationship.” And I’m putting that intention into their head.
Brigit: But, are they seeing the cards as still flipped over? Like you can’t see which card you’re choosing, or you can see the cards?
Linda: No, no, you can’t see the cards, no.
Brigit: Okay, yeah.
Linda: They’re facedown. In fact, why don’t I just actually do it as we’re talking. Okay, I’m thinking of a relationship, what am I thinking? I’m thinking of a particular relationship – that’s me and a person. Now, that relationship can be a romantic one, or family, or work, or, you know, it doesn’t have to – but, let’s face it, often when people come for readings about a relationship, you know, family one.
Okay, so I’m thinking that. I’ve got the cards facedown, and I always keep them facedown until all five cards are there. Because you don’t want people to get alarmed if they go seeing the Tower, or Death or something.
Brigit: Yes.
Linda: Okay, so I won’t reveal what that card is yet, I’ve just picked it. It’s the present dynamic in the relationship. Now, the card on the bottom, underneath, thinking of it as a tree, this is going to be the root. This is going to be what’s at the basis, what’s at the bottom of this relationship, what’s underneath the surface. In other words, what’s underneath the ground, what are the roots? So I’m now going to pick a card for the roots of this relationship, and then, obviously, the card that’s going to go at the top is going to be the branches. That is, how it could grow and flourish, okay?
So that’s the one at the top. I don’t normally do them in this order, but it doesn’t matter because my intention is to pick the card that’s going to represent the way it could flourish or grow. So I’ll put that one still facedown. Now, on the horizontal line – so we’ve got our middle card, which is the dynamic of the relationship. Now this is where I bring in a little bit of a caveat, because it’s good to use… when you’re devising a spread using this shape, it’s good to have different options on either side.
So what we can do with a relationship is go, “Okay, what am I putting into this relationship?” Okay, so I’m picking now a card for “What am I putting into the relationship?” And I’m just sticking that there. And then, now, this is where it gets a little bit messy. The other card, logically, to pick is “What is the other person putting into the relationship?” The other person’s not standing there with me, or on the phone with me, right?
Brigit: Mm-hmm.
Linda: So what I say to people is, “Okay, this is going to be filtered through you,” you know?
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: Now, if you’re in a relationship with a person, try to just clear your mind of what you want from the person and just go, “Okay, with all good intent, what do you think the other person’s putting into the relationship?” So I’ve got the five cards. Okay, the dynamic, let’s just go, Brigit.
Brigit: Yeah, let’s do it.
Linda: Oh, look at this! It’s the Ace of Cups.
Brigit: Ah, too good.
Linda: Too good. I did not, folks, I really… I’ll put the other cards up now so that we can see. The root, the, like, underneath, is the King of Cups.
Brigit: Oh, Linda…
Linda: You would think… this is just crazy. But it’s interesting, because I don’t believe – I honestly don’t believe this. I’ve got five cards here and four of them are cups and I’m asking about relationships. That’s another thing about reading is, you know, is the moment you’ve got a dominant set of cards from a particular suit you go, “Okay, clearly the person’s asking about a relationship, this, you know, Ace of Cups, it’s the beginning of a beautiful new start!” A phase, or something, you know?
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: Or maybe it’s simply a new one. And underneath is the King of Cups – well, obviously this person’s someone I can totally identify with at an emotional level. And – just wait for it – the way it’s going to grow is the Two of cups.
Brigit: Aw… too perfect.
Linda: Honestly, I can’t… And what I was putting into the relationship – I love this – is the Emperor. I want to set the ground rules.
Brigit: Interesting.
Linda: And the other person’s is the Page of Cups.
Brigit: Oh, wow.
Linda: This is just so crazy.
Brigit: And are you sure this is a hypothetical reading? Or maybe there was a relationship that was on your mind.
Linda: I was thinking of that person, yeah, but I’m surprised at those cards. But I should trust my GPS, shouldn’t I?
Brigit: That’s right, yeah.
Linda: Well it certainly made me think differently for the day. Let’s look at – I mean, the Cups ones are so easy, aren’t they? But the Emperor, you know, what I’m putting into the relationship. How would you read that if you were doing the reading for me?
Brigit: I liked what you said around sort of setting the ground rules; I think that’s really on point. Perhaps also creating the structure and the foundation for a committed relationship to emerge. Particularly, like, with that King of Cups as the root. Because the King’s, to me, kind of like you want this person to stick around. It’s not just a night of one’s, like… you know.
Linda: Here one day, gone the next. Lots of fun, but you know, here one day, gone the next. Yeah, absolutely, I would agree with that, too. So I have used that, as in a relationship, but let’s just think, “Okay, you’ve got an issue in mind.” You pick one card for the issue, whatever it is, to represent the issue. And then you can still do the same thing about the roots: what’s the basis of it, where’s it growing from, where’s it coming from, and where’s it growing to? That same vertical line works.
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And with the Ones on the horizontal, with the relationship it was what I’m putting into the relationship and then, you know, what I’m seeing the other person putting in, or think the other person’s putting in. You could have: what I shouldn’t do and what I should do. It’s very good to always balance those things out, you know? Because we all have a great idea about what we should do, but it’s very interesting when what you shouldn’t do, comes out as a… what I find interesting is when what I shouldn’t do comes out as a positive card.
Brigit: Hmm… Like the sun, for example. How would you interpret that?
Linda: Yeah, with an issue and the sun came out, it would probably… Okay so, you’ve got to do a positive card in a negative position, and it would probably be: Don’t be so childish. Don’t take such a simple approach, or something.
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: Yeah, how would you do that one?
Brigit: Yeah… I like that, I think it would depend on what else is coming up…
Linda: Yeah.
Brigit: …across the reading, how I might, sort of, put it into context. Sometimes I see, like, the Sun can – you know, it’s got the confidence in it and sometimes you can get a little bit too confident with things, so maybe it’s not… Or overly positive. You know the folks who are just completely optimistic all the time and you can’t say, “That’s not going to work,” because then you get in trouble because you’re not thinking positively.
Linda: That’s right, yeah. What I was just thinking was why don’t we just, let’s stay with that relationship thing. I mean we can just do hypothetical, why don’t you just pick a single card, which is… Somebody’s come to you for relationship reading, you’re using this layout, and you’re saying to them, “Okay, the first card you’re going to select is the present dynamic in the relationship.” Pick us a card, Brigit, and we’ll just…
Brigit: So like, just to check in on the five-card spread that you’ve shared – so, from a sort of navigational perspective, is the intention with that spread to lay down the map of where you are currently? Or… how does it, sort of, tie in?
Linda: Ah yes, okay, back to the GPS… yes. It is definitely; it’s like, where the dot on the roadmap is at the moment.
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: Now the dot could… and the good thing about using the Tarot is the GPS is – and using that analogy, is that we know as we’re watching a GPS on our whatever, that you see the dot moving, right?
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: The dot’s moving along the road, so in two days’ time, you can do the layout again. It’s very likely that it will be similar, unless something Tower-like has happened in between times. But it’s very likely… you’re very likely to get similar cards. If you leave it a month or two months, or whatever, then you could get quite a different set of cards. And that fits in with the whole idea of, “There really is no such thing as a fixed future” as far as I’m concerned.
Brigit: Mm-hmm.
Linda: You’re on a path – and that’s another reason why the Tarot is a GPS analogy works – you’re on a path, and you’re, sort of… your higher self, which has been with you through all your past lives and will continue with you into future lives, it sort of knows who you are and what you’re meant to be doing. So that’s why, when you consult the Tarot, what you’re doing is you’re having a conversation with yourself.
You’re talking to yourself. It can be a very good thing to do because you’re genuinely calling the wisdom of your higher self to give you the direction. That’s the GPS, is your higher self, not your ordinary, everyday self, which can get distracted by a whole stack of things.
Brigit: Hmm… yeah.
Linda: And then you’ve got ego operating; you’ve got a whole stack of things operating in your ordinary, everyday life. Whereas if you still yourself, calm yourself, and then just ask for the wisdom of your higher self to guide you; to be your GPS, then you’ll get the direction that you need.
Brigit: Yeah. Something else I’m curious in. If I’m to think of, say, a GPS in a car, it’s awesome to let you know where you are because sometimes you have no idea, especially if you’re in a foreign country and none of the signs are making sense, like, “Where is this?”
Linda: That’s right, yeah.
Brigit: But I think, also, where a GPS offers value, is that you type in where you want to go, and it maps a path to how to get there. So I’m curious, with Tarot, do we need to know where it is that we want to go in order to get the path? Because if we don’t know where we’re going to go, all we know is where we are now, and we’re not getting direction to where we want to head to. So what’s your perspective on that?
Linda: The perspective on that is to ask the right question. See, with this layout I was just doing, the question was, you know, “Where am I in my relationship right now?”Whereas if you wanted to know, “What’s the future direction for my relationship with someone,” I would then, probably, do one of two things: I’m becoming very fond of simply picking three cards, seeing what they say, and then building that up into a grid of nine. And seeing the last three cards at the top as some sort of hindsight, sort of, realization that you come to.
But you could also use one of the standard layouts, like that seven-card layout where you’ve got the issue in the past, the issue at the moment, then your future, then the fourth card’s the answer to your question.
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: And then you’ve got the card for the environment, card for your hopes and fears, and then a card for longer-term future. So, that’s all future direction. So depending on the question, yeah, if you want to plug in, “Where am I heading to?” Address, you know, whatever.
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: Happy, contented relationship with X, you actually have to ask, “What’s the future for my relationship with so-and-so?” or “What’s the potential?”
Brigit: I kind of see that, so it’s – coming back to GPS in a car…
Linda: Yeah.
Brigit: …are you going to let the GPS tell you where you want to go, or are you going to tell the GPS? So then coming back to the relationship, are you going to ask the Tarot, “Where is my relationship going?” or are you going to say, “I want to manifest this kind of relationship, how do I get there?”
Linda: Yes, “How do I get there,” yes. Again, it’s the question. So rather than, “What’s the future of my relationship with someone?” Yeah, ask the question, “How do I make this relationship a success, how do I get to…” And then you could use that same seven-card layout, and the fourth card’s your answer.
Brigit: Yeah, yeah.
Linda: So it’s all in the question, okay? So you can be general, “What’s the future?” Or you can go, “How do I get this guy to ask me to marry him?”
Brigit: Well, we can’t make other people do things they don’t want to do.
Linda: No, we can’t, but, I mean… Actually, on the relationship one, I mean, I’m sure you would agree with me: relationships and work are the two things that people come asking about.
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: And when people come, “Oh, when am I going to meet the man of my dreams, when’s…” Get them around to a question like, “What do I need to do to bring the right sort of person into my life?”
Brigit: Yes, spot on.
Linda: So that is – there’s your GPS, “What do I need to do to bring that person in,” and then you can choose how you want to do the layout. And I tend to use that seven-card layout for something like that.
Brigit: Yeah.
Linda: Or, you can also just go “free-wheeling” as I say. Just pick three cards and go, “Okay.” Also, just thinking of the map, say you’ve got people wanting to buy a house or move in, you know, they’ve got a number of options. And remember, the GPS is your higher self, right? The actual GPS. And so you go, “Ok, I’ve got the option of renting a place at this particular address, give me some insight into whether that’s the direction I should go.” You just simply pick three cards. And then you put the cards back into the deck, and then you go, “Okay, I’ve got the option of renting X place, give me some insight into whether this is the direction I should take, pick three cards.” Then you just decide on the one that looks best.
Brigit: Yeah, because that’s kind of like it’s the GPS giving you an indication of whether you’re on-course or off-course.
Linda: Off-course, that’s right, yeah.
Brigit: And, coming back to ourselves, it’s kind of like, are we living in alignment with our higher purpose here, or are we out of alignment, in which case you’re going to feel pretty yuck anyways. It’ll be a lot of obstacles and so on, getting in the way.
Linda: Yeah.
Brigit: But, as you’re saying, the Tarot can really help you just check in if you’re on-course.
Linda: Yes, that’s right. Yeah, you can see if the dot’s over in the bushes. Or actually on the road.
Brigit: That’s right. Yeah, yeah, most definitely. So, Linda, I’ve had so much fun talking about Tarot as a GPS, I think it’s a great analogy. I believe that you have a special campaign on the go, as we speak? Can you tell me a little bit about that?
Linda: Yes, I do have a Kickstarter Campaign running as we speak. It’s in very, very, early days. It’s finding funds to produce TarotNav, a GPS for life. And it’s going to bring together all of the meanings of the cards, and it’s going to have a film which is based on the TV series that I made for my book, which is “Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards”, which you mentioned. Basically, I’m going to revise the book, revise the TV series, and make it into a single film – rather than 22 segments, because it’s all of the 22 cards in the Major Arcana.
Because those are all stories about how I’ve navigated – how different things that I’ve done in my life show the energy to the Major Arcana cards, and it’s all about following directions coming from the cards.
Brigit: Yeah, yeah.
Linda: So there’s that and then there’ll be an online discussion forum that’s actually linked to that as well, so that everyone who, assuming I reach my target, and TarotNav becomes a reality, there’ll be an online discussion forum. Everyone who purchases a copy, including everyone, of course, who pre-purchases during the campaign, will have access to that. Where they can be sharing stories and spreads and layouts – oh, sorry, I forgot to say: there will be heaps and heaps of layouts. Those are the roadmaps that I was talking about. So, there will be heaps of layouts, and that one that I’ve just been talking about is a very important one about how you can construct your own.
Brigit: Mm-hmm.
Linda: I think that’s really important. And so, then, you can swap stories with other people who are using the Tarot as a GPS. And it’s something where I would be online twice a year for a period of time to answer people’s questions and generally interact and whatever. So fun, entertaining, and interactive! And informative!
Brigit: Yeah, and so who have you designed TarotNav for? Is it, you know, the complete beginner, the advanced Tarot reader, somewhere in the middle, everyone?
Linda: It’s actually everyone, because if people haven’t really heard much about Tarot, it would be a wonderful way to introduce them to Tarot, because it’s all about relating it to what you do every day in your life. And that’s what makes it come alive, and that analogy with the GPS is one that everyone can identify with. And, for the experienced Tarot person, it’s going to be such a unique Tarot-learning tool, that I’ll just reckon they’ll want to add it to their collection.
Brigit: Yep, wonderful. And so when does the Kickstarter campaign wrap up? When’s it of the final day?
Linda: It wraps up on the 9th of March, and I think we go to air just before that, don’t we?
Brigit: Yeah, so I think 9th of March, or if you’re in the US, that would be the 8th of March, just remember about the time differences as well. And that’s 2016, just in case you’re listening to this several years ahead.
Linda: In which case, just Google “TarotNav” and you’ll find it!
Brigit: That’s right, it will be wildly popular! You’ve probably heard about it anyway by then. I’ll make sure that I include a link to that Kickstarter campaign, as well, in the show notes. Is there anything else that you wanted to add before we wrap it up?
Linda: No, I think I’ve probably said enough. I mean, obviously, I could go on talking forever, but I think just getting across that sort of concept of: You can be in control of this GPS. That’s the other thing, too, is that: you’re the GPS. It’s your higher self that’s the GPS. And so long as you genuinely calm yourself and channel and bring in the wisdom of your higher self, that GPS will take you along the right track. Or show you where you shouldn’t go.
Brigit: Yeah, yeah, wonderful. And that saves you a lot of time and energy and pain, and heartbreak, and whatever else.
Linda: Yeah, yeah, yeah, all that stuff. Yeah.
Brigit: Wonderful. So, Linda, where else – apart from your Kickstarter campaign – where else can people find you?
Linda: Oh, on Global Spiritual Studies, and that’s where you can find all my classes, and the course I mentioned briefly, called “Live and Learn the Tarot.” Yeah, so that’s there, and you can find lots of other wonderful Tarot offerings and classes and courses as well. On Global Spiritual Studies, because, obviously, my personal contacts are in the Tarot world and so even though Global Spiritual Studies covers a whole range of anything under that umbrella, since I established it, it’s Tarot that’s the main focus.
But if you’re into Lenormand, there are some very good classes there on Lenormand, as well.
Brigit: Hmm, wonderful. And, yeah, I think it’s a great idea that you’ve invited a number of different Tarot teachers and experts to share their knowledge on Global Spiritual Studies. So awesome.
Brigit: Good, well thank you so much Linda, it’s been a great conversation and I can’t wait to see what happens with your new and latest, TarotNav. If you love this podcast, then make sure that you leave a review on iTunes, and you can also subscribe to get the latest podcast direct to your iPhone.
Or head on over to the blog at, one-five and you can continue the conversation over there.
Thanks again, Linda, and we’ll say thank you and good-bye!