I confess, there have been way too many mornings where I’ve woken up, kicked off the covers, and reached for my phone. In seconds, I’d already be texting, answering emails, scheduling appointments, or checking my latest social media post.
But recently, I was inspired to make a shift.
It all started with one thought…
What if I created a more intentional morning ritual?
And then that thought kept building…
What if I reached for my journal or my favorite Tarot deck instead of my phone?
What if I grounded my energy with a daily Tarot spread, instead of numbing myself with information?
Just thinking about that kind of morning ritual felt so much better in my body!
So, I started reaching for my Tarot deck instead of my phone each morning.
And I’m proud to say that I’ve kept up a morning ritual of daily Tarot spreads to align myself to my inner needs. Doing my simple Tarot practice first thing never fails to make me feel more calm, joyful, and centered in myself for the rest of the day.
So if you’re ready to join me in ditching the phone to create a more intentional morning ritual, add one of these 7 daily Tarot spreads to your morning routine. I promise, you’ll watch your life expand in ways you never thought possible.
7 Daily Tarot Spreads
There’s something for everyone in this list of my favorite daily Tarot spreads! Read through them, pick one that calls to you, and add it to your morning ritual.
In my morning Tarot spread practice, I like to call in my Spirit guides and my Higher Self as I hold the deck close to my body and feel the energy of the cards. You can call in any of your guides that feel right; your ancestors, people who have recently crossed over, or even your beloved pet to assist you in receiving messages. Your morning Tarot routine is just for you, so feel free to change it up – you can call on different guides or use different spreads depending on what you need that day.
1. The Simple One-Card Check-In
It’s as easy as it sounds: simply pull one card for the energy of the day! This one-card draw clarifies what energies are either consciously or unconsciously moving through your being. It may also signify what will be coming up throughout your day. Use your intuition and allow the Tarot to reveal its messages.
This one-card draw is the easiest way to begin a daily Tarot practice. And if you’re a beginner, doing this card-a-day exercise is a great way to create personal meanings of the cards.
How to do this Tarot spread:
Before you pull your daily card, ask: What do I need to know today? Or: What is the energy of the day?
Here are some alternative daily Tarot questions:
- What is coming into my awareness?
- What will I experience today?
- What do I need to focus on today?
After you pull your Tarot card, listen to the first thought that pops into your head when you look at it – it's likely your intuition guiding you to the message that is exactly what you need to hear at that moment.
2. The 3-Card Self Awareness Spread
This is a simple 3-card spread that can give you deep insights into what you’re really thinking and how you’re feeling. Sometimes, we have so many feelings swirling around that it’s hard to know where we stand! I like to use this straightforward spread on mornings when I’m not really sure how I’m feeling and need to get back to center.
If you approach this spread while in an emotional or brain-foggy state, know that the cards that show up may seem confusing or unclear at first. I encourage you to sit with them for several minutes and allow the answers to reveal themselves to you slowly. Journaling your impressions about them always helps. You may also want to come back to your notes before bed and see if the answers make more sense within the context of what went on for you during the day.
How to do this Tarot spread:
Take a deep breath and hold your deck of cards close to your body. Shuffle the cards, then pull three of them, one by one. As you pull each card, ask the corresponding questions below:
- What am I thinking?
- What am I feeling?
- What am I experiencing?
Lay the cards out in a row and look at them. The three of them may form a story or a cohesive message for you, or each individual card may tell its own story. Journal your insights.
3. The Daily Manifestation Tarot Spread
There are times in life when we’re called to sit, receive, and wait for the next step to appear. And then there are times when we’re called to take action to manifest our goals and dreams. This is a wonderful spread to use when you’re inspired to create the very best version of your reality.
You can use this spread for more granular, daily or weekly goals, OR for bigger life goals – it’s up to you! I personally love using this spread when I’m feeling particularly motivated to get things done and would like some guidance on how to focus my efforts for my Highest Good.
How to do this Tarot spread:
Take a deep breath and hold your deck of cards close to your body. Shuffle the cards, then pull three of them, one by one. As you pull each card, ask the corresponding questions below:
- What do I truly desire today?
- How can I manifest my desires today?
- What resources are available to me today?
Lay the cards out in a row and look at them. The three of them may form a story or a cohesive message for you, or each individual card may tell its own story. Journal your insights.
4. “It’s a Good Day” Tarot Spread
If you want to start every day on a positive note, this is the Tarot spread for you! So many studies have shown that starting our day with gratitude boosts our moods and makes us more likely to spread joy to those around us. Every day can be a great day with this simple spread.
I love using this daily Tarot spread to guide my day toward positive intentions. This is my go-to practice if I wake up feeling out of sorts and need an infusion of good energy to get me out of a slump. I would also recommend looking back at the cards at the end of the night to see how your day unfolded – you might be surprised by all the positive things that happen to you just by setting an intention with this spread!
How to do this Tarot spread:
Take a deep breath and hold your deck of cards close to your body. Shuffle the cards, then pull three of them, one by one. As you pull each card, ask the corresponding questions below:
- What am I truly grateful for?
- What will make this a great day?
- How do I want to feel by the end of the day?
Lay the cards out in a row and look at them. The three of them may form a story or a cohesive message for you, or each individual card may tell its own story. Journal your insights.
5. The Daily Alignment Tarot Spread
When we get intentional about the way we want to feel and then apply energy to that feeling, magic happens! This spread is perfect for those days where you want to get into a certain state but aren’t sure how to make that happen.
For example, I often use this spread when I’m feeling down about myself and am having trouble getting into an empowered mindset. Like a trusted old friend, Tarot cards are great at telling us exactly what we need to do to become the best versions of ourselves, even when we can’t see it!
How to do this Tarot spread:
Choose a word for the day that you’d like to experience or feel.
Here are some examples:
- Empowerment
- Alignment
- Abundance
- Connection
- Something else? You choose!
Then, as you pull a card, ask:
How can I bring in more (empowerment, abundance, alignment, etc.) into my life today?
Look at the card for a few minutes to take in its imagery and messages. Then, take out your journal and let your words flow onto the page. Use your inner knowing and allow your feelings to guide you. Spend about 5-10 minutes journaling your insights and whatever else comes to you.
6. Seeing the Unseen Tarot Spread
Things are not always as they appear! One of the many mysterious things about the Tarot is that it brings the unseen into the seen. And from that new knowledge, we can take action.
This is one of those spreads that always manages to surprise me. If you’re prepared to receive a wake-up call first thing in the morning, this is definitely the Tarot spread to add to your morning routine. I love this one because it always manages to identify those hidden parts of me that I need to work on. Sometimes, this spread can even point to external situations in your life that need changing. If you aren’t afraid to dig deep and face uncomfortable truths, give this one a try!
How to do this Tarot spread:
Take a deep breath and hold your deck of cards close to your body. Shuffle the cards, then pull three of them, one by one. As you pull each card, ask the corresponding questions below:
- What is seen and known to me?
- What is unseen and unknown to me?
- How can I bring greater awareness to my day?
Lay the cards out in a row and look at them. The three of them may form a story or a cohesive message for you, or each individual card may tell its own story. Journal your insights.
7. The Daily Evolution Spread
Every day, whether we know it or not, we are evolving and becoming new versions of ourselves. The more intention we can place on this process, the better – because the more aware we are, the more we can choose who we eventually become.
This is one of my favorite simple spreads because it helps you to tap into who you’re becoming and brings greater awareness to your personal growth journey. I’ve used it time and again when I’ve felt lost about my path in life. It’s a great Tarot spread to use on days when you’re feeling a bit untethered to your purpose and are in need of some gentle encouragement.
How to do this Tarot spread:
Take a deep breath and hold your deck of cards close to your body. Shuffle the cards, then pull two of them, one by one. As you pull each card, ask the corresponding questions below:
- Who am I becoming?
- What is one step I can take today to honor this evolution?
Lay the cards out side by side and look at them. The two of them may form a story or a cohesive message for you, or each individual card may tell its own story. Journal your insights.
Wrapping Up
These 7 daily Tarot spreads will open you up to your inner self, which will in turn affect your external world. After incorporating these daily Tarot spreads into your morning routine, you may notice that…
- You’re more in tune with your deeper feelings.
- You’re less emotionally reactive to certain people and situations.
- You begin to release certain toxic situations from your life.
- You rely less on certain negative habits, and instead address the heart of what’s happening in your life.
- You may find solutions to recurring problems you thought were impossible to solve.
- You may find yourself getting closer to achieving that very personal dream you want to manifest.
- You may feel closer to your significant other, your friends, or your family members.
So, tomorrow morning, as you kick off the covers and reach for your phone, take a few deep breaths and say, “no.” Make that hot cup of coffee or tea, and begin your new morning ritual of daily Tarot spreads.
You will be amazed at how quickly your personal awareness expands. Just begin!
Over To You
Adding Tarot to your morning ritual is so powerful, and the best way to start your day!
That’s why I created the Biddy Tarot Planner to help you deeply connect with your Tarot practice every day of the year.
Inside you’ll find space for daily Tarot journaling, along with monthly Tarot rituals, over 32 spreads, the Tarot Card of the Year, and so much! Get your Planner here today!