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BTP 91: The Lumina Tarot with Lauren Aletta from Inner Hue

lumina tarot


Today, we’re speaking with Lauren Aletta from Inner Hue. Lauren is the creator of two Tarot decks: the Lumina Tarot and the Connected & Free Alchemist’s Oracle.

Now, I am a big fan of modern-looking Tarot decks. I believe that modern decks created by independent artists help bring new people to Tarot – and I’m all about bringing Tarot into the mainstream.

Lauren recently sent me both the Connected & Free oracle deck and the Lumina Tarot. The Connected & Free deck is designed to support you in connecting with your own inner wisdom, soul guidance and natural intuitive abilities to navigate the landscape of life. It has 50 oracle cards held safely together in a cute rustic mandala drenched brown box with the 133pg Guidebook that offers not only each card’s meaning but also crystal suggestions for an added energetic boost. Within the 50 cards are also 8 chakra cards to potentially highlight any energetic blocks or expansions are occurring. This is the second edition of the Oracle cards.

The Lumina Tarot is also now on its’ second edition – and it melds animal magick, archetypal energy and symbolism together in potent visual imagery that will support you in accessing your own intuitive abilities. It comes with a 185-page guidebook and offers both yin & yang, light & shadow.

I know these decks have been quite popular on Instagram because they’re just gorgeous!

Let's get into it.

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You’re listening to the Biddy Tarot Podcast, and this is Episode 91: The Lumina Tarot with Lauren Aletta from Inner Hue.

Welcome to the Biddy Tarot Podcast, where you'll learn how to connect more deeply with your intuition and live an empowered and enlightened life with the Tarot cards as your guide.

Listen as Brigit and her guests share their very best tips and strategies to help you read Tarot with confidence. Now, here is your host, Brigit Esselmont.


BRIGIT: Hello, and welcome back to the Biddy Tarot Podcast. As always, it’s my absolute joy to be speaking with you today all about Tarot. And today, we’re speaking with Lauren Aletta from Inner Hue, and she’s the creator of two decks: 1) The Lumina Tarot, and 2) The Connected and Free Alchemist Oracle.

Now, I am such a big fan of seeing these modern Tarot decks coming into play, and Lauren has certainly delivered that with her beautiful Lumina Tarot. When I first started looking at these cards, I thought, “Wow, finally we’ve got the essence of the traditional Tarot but expressed in this beautiful, modern, fresh, and vibrant way, and I’ve always craved this kind of Tarot deck, where we can take the core essence of what the Tarot is really about, and we can bring it into this modern world so that we can encourage so many more people to connect with Tarot. I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s a little bit hard to connect with guys in tights and little boots and clothes that were relevant several hundred years ago, and it’s just really refreshing to now see Tarot decks such as this one with the Lumina Tarot coming out where it’s much more modern, and we can relate to it much better.

So, anyway, I’m chatting with Lauren today, and I’m asking her about her inspirations with this deck and the process in which this deck came about. I have no idea how deck creators actually have the focus and energy to create a deck such as this, so I was so curious to find out more from Lauren what her process was and how she was working with her designer as well.


Obviously, it’s a beautiful deck—very modern. Lauren was saying it was coming with a 35,000-word guidebook. It’s a fabulous little guidebook. It gives that core essence of the card plus the shadow side of the card.

Now, with the Connected and Free Oracle, I think it’s 55 cards and, again, that very modern, fresh look. Incorporated in there are cards around the chakra centres plus some really beautiful life concepts, I suppose you could say.

So, today, I’m just going to get on with it. Let’s just welcome Lauren to the Biddy Tarot Podcast.

The Lumina Tarot with Lauren Aletta

BRIGIT: Welcome, Lauren. I am so excited to have you on the podcast today. How are you going?

LAUREN: I’m really well. Thank you, Brigit—and I’m excited, too!


LAUREN: Yeah, it’s going to be fun.

BRIGIT: I’m totally loving on your deck right now. It’s all laid out in front of me, so I can’t wait to sort of dive in and explore a little bit more about what’s been going on.


BRIGIT: But first, I would love to hear your story. What’s brought you to this place? In your business with Inner Hue, where has that emerged from?

LAUREN: OK, I’ll try to make this really brief! I have a background within the social sector. I worked as a case manager. I’ve worked remotely in different indigenous communities throughout Australia. Working with people was always a huge passion and interest of mine, but ever since I was a little girl, I used to always be able to pick up on other information. I entered into the social sector basically because I couldn’t feel like I could legitimately say, “I just want to work with people intuitively,” but yet I found working as a case manager, that’s exactly how I was doing. I was working intuitively.

I learnt through many years of basically questioning people in a curious way that they have this beautiful knowing and knowledge themselves. So, when they would honour that, that’s how they would become really empowered and step into their truth and light themselves up, and issues in their lives would begin to heal and resolve.

But it got to the point that I could no longer do that. I felt like I was hiding in the social sector through case managing or through use working. I was hiding within it, and I had to basically step into more of who I am, so I created Inner Hue on a… I could say on a whim, but it wasn’t really on a whim. I look back now, and I think, “Gosh, you're a little bit crazy to have done that, quit your full-time, very safe, secure job to go out and do this,” but that’s exactly what I did. It felt very rash.

Part of that, when I was really focusing and honing into the energy, the entity that is Inner Hue, the guidance that was coming down was initially “Create an Oracle deck,” and I thought, at the time, when the information came through, it resonated and it felt really amazing. It was very clear in its instruction. And then as what I think happens to everybody, when you think about it a little bit more, when you're slightly out of that zone, you start to think, “Oh, that’s quite crazy to do.” But it is. I just continued to take instruction from what the information and guidance were flowing down for me, and I created an Oracle deck that now has been a really amazing experience. But again, I look back, and I think, “Wow, I invested a lot of time and energy and money into something that I had absolutely no platform for launch it off of.” So, I'm thinking, “Goodness, you really were very crazy!” But yeah, I've just learnt so much, and it's been a really wonderful, wonderful adventure that I’m very grateful for.

BRIGIT: Wonderful. So, when was the Oracle deck published or launched?

LAUREN: It went to presale basically early December of 2014, but I didn’t send out the decks until mid-January 2015. So, it was probably around the 20th of January I finally had everything in my hands, and I was able to send that out to people. And when the deck published or launched, as you say, that was in December, and I think I had 50 sales. From there, it’s just slowly grown.

BRIGIT: Yep. Amazing. And did you launch on a crowdfunding platform or your website?

LAUREN: No, it was my website. I just created the deck with my own money, and I think that was the other thing that was really scary. It cost a lot of money of my own that I was putting into something that really I had no platform to launch it off. It was either going to go belly up or it was going to work, so I had to get my head around being OK with potentially it not working.

BRIGIT: So then, the Lumina Tarot started to come in—when was that?

LAUREN: That was in all of 2015, so I kind of did it back to back. I had spoken like it was in there… I probably truthfully wanted to do Tarot first, but I just didn’t feel equipped. I felt a little bit nervous. I really wanted to be sure of myself. Even though the instruction came in with Oracle… It sounds silly if I’m going to explain it, but humanly I went, “Oh, Oracle? But I really wanted to do Tarot!”

BRIGIT: I know that feeling, yep!

LAUREN: But I just had to stick to the vibe, the energy, the instruction that was “No, it’s Oracle.” So, the whole way through creating Oracle, it was always, “I wonder if I can do Tarot next.” Once Oracle was out, I then went, “OK, I’m going to give Tarot a go.” I had already started planning Tarot even while I was creating Oracle.

Lumina Tarot came out in November of 2015, and she’s been a handful, but I like wild things, so I don’t mind it so much!

BRIGIT: Yep. That’s amazing. Just tracing things back with Oracle and Tarot, were you using Oracle cards and Tarot in your personal life as well? What’s your connection with Oracle and Tarot?

LAUREN: I was given, which is really interesting, my first Tarot deck by my grandmother when I was about 14 or 15. Now, this is not a woman who is at all into any kind of spiritual stuff or wasn’t at all at the time, I think. As she’s gotten older, she’s certainly softened a lot, but she just thought… It’s interesting. She’s a very influential person in my life, and even though she poo-hooed my spiritualness as a child—and I don’t mean that in a negative way; it just wasn’t… She had a very different outlook on life, yet she managed to purchase me a Tarot deck, and I still have that Tarot deck; it’s a very special deck, and I keep that personally for my own use.

But I then began to use Oracle initially on a more consistent basis in my early twenties and probably again because I felt a little bit nervous around the traditional uses of Tarot that I didn't feel necessarily like I knew enough or equipped, but by using Oracle, I felt that there was more fluidity, and I had more freedom, and I didn't feel so boxed in by potential rules around… I guess I sensed from traditional Tarotists that there are strict guidelines that now I don't adhere to at all in terms of how I use Tarot, but that had to come through my use of Oracle.

So, I use cards very intuitively and basically just as a portal of energy. They allow me to connect into streams of energy that can be linked to that card that I'm picking up off that individual or if I'm doing readings for myself. So, I practised using Tarot traditionally, and I do know how to do that. I'm not at all at a level of skill that I can say I'd be competent in using Tarot traditionally to do really epic readings from that parameter or that way of doing readings, but I feel incredibly skilled at using Tarot and Oracle in the way that I use them. I love the history of Tarot, and I love the structure, the hierarchy, and the stories that are told, and the symbology within Tarot—all of which was really important in how I wanted to create Lumina.

BRIGIT: We were just having a quick chat about this before we started the podcast. The thing that stands out to me with the Lumina is… Oh, it takes everything that’s in the Rider-Waite, but it translates it into something that is so now, which I think we need. What I’ve seen, say, with Tarot decks… Obviously, we’ve got the Rider-Waite and all the sort of derivatives of Rider-Waite, and then we have some other ones that are a bit more mythical or faeries or dragons and angels and all that sort of stuff. And that’s great because there are folks for whom that really resonates.


BRIGIT: But to be blunt, I just want to see modern stuff. My whole vision for Tarot is to see Tarot be modern, be accessible, be in the mainstream, and a deck like the Lumina helps make that happen.


BRIGIT: I was looking at the cards, going, “Yes! She’s done it!”

LAUREN: Oh, I feel like… Right now, I’m covered in goosebumps. I know I said to you earlier, thank you so much. I feel really seen, and I feel really humbled because that's exactly, exactly had envisioned for Lumina. I wanted to take something traditional and make it modern, make it accessible, and make it a daily… It's a daily tool, just like women might use moisturiser, or we brush our teeth daily. It’s silly to say this, but it just feels such a wonderful addition to a part of any person’s life that can have something really fresh and modern that they can tune into, access so much richness and historical richness as well that comes with the energy of Tarot.

BRIGIT: Yeah, because I think what you do with this deck is you honour, again, the history side of things, the core essence of the card, and yet it’s translated into something much more in the here and now.


BRIGIT: You know, something I struggle with is we’ve got more younger people starting to use Tarot, but it’s almost like any way that you turn, there’s this older space. Again, I’m not putting it down at all; it absolutely has its place, but if you're a younger person, and you’re living in more of this modern day space, and you want something that’s modern to relate to, sometimes it can be hard because you end up going, “Oh, this looks like it’s from a few hundred years ago!” and you just want something that’s now.

LAUREN: Yeah, really fresh.

BRIGIT: Yep. I think it’s absolutely beautiful. How do you do it? How do you start creating a deck that takes the essence of the traditional Tarot and then translates it into something so modern?

LAUREN: Oh, OK. So, I think… I’m trying to think. I don’t want to be too longwinded, but… I don’t know. I have a tendency to waffle.

BRIGIT: It’s all good. Go for it.

LAUREN: It started with, I guess, I really knew what I wanted to create first and foremost, and I think that’s what’s really important. Before you can really launch into a project, you have to feel the energy of it first. And it’s going to take you on its own journey, and the energy of it will develop and deepen and become richer and more expansive as you go on that little adventure of creating it, but you really have to know why you're doing it and what you want it to feel like at the end, once you’ve finished making it. So, it’s like a backwards-working process. You’ve got to know that first. And I have to say that Lumina feels exactly how I imagined her to feel plus a bit more. She’s got a bit more punchiness than maybe I had initially imagined, but I just adore her for it.

From there, I just worked backwards. With the families and the elements they’re linked to, it’s all my interpretation of what earth feels like, what water feels like, and what those families feel like. I did lots of research while I was developing it. I love symbology. I love animal symbology, and so then I was linking up then what animals resonated then with those different elements and that would also fit in with the… If you look at the ancestral sort of story of each family… And then, again, doing even more research and looking at the Major Arcana and the stories behind each one of those cards and trying to convey that story and that message of each one of those cards was important but putting it into a fresh, modern take. It just takes a little bit of time, but as you're doing it, you're just really being pulled by something that is kind of motivating you and creating the momentum alongside the thing you're bringing to life.


LAUREN: I don’t know if that’s clear, but…

BRIGIT: Yeah, absolutely. So, instead of just doing the task of “must make Tarot deck now,” it’s a lot more just feeling through it and allowing the energy to come through.

LAUREN: I couldn’t have done it if it was a “must make Tarot deck now.”


LAUREN: No, because it’s also really stressful and really exhausting and lots of hard work. I think of just even the little Tarot book alone, I think there’s roughly 30,000 or 35,000 words just in that little Tarot book that are the descriptions of the cards. Yeah, to do that on top of making sure the element and energy and how each of the cards is laid out… So, if we’re talking in a Photoshop sense, Teagan, who is the illustrator, each card is… I would write a description of how the card is meant to feel, so I knew when they were going to pick up Knight of Wands or Queen of Swords or the Magician, I knew the message and meaning behind that card, what it stood for, and I knew how I wanted that card to feel when the person was holding and what energy or information they were going to pick up just by visually looking at it, so I would describe that in a paragraph for Teagan to read.

I would then have another paragraph that was how I wanted that card to look. “I want the person or the elements or the animal to be positioned like this and sitting in this way and holding these different other little key pieces.” I would describe to her basically how the card was meant to be drawn, and then I would draw a picture of the card itself. She would get this scribbled picture alongside two paragraphs that would describe how the card was meant to feel. She would then take that and draw it, using the information, and she gets me really well, so pretty much most of the time, it was spot on. However, there were some times where I needed to go, “No, that’s not quite right. It’s meant to look more like this,” or “It’s meant to feel more like that.”

And then we went through the process. She would scan it all in, and we went the through the process of doing all the watercolours that we would then scan into the computer, and then we would sit at the computer for absolutely hours on end with the card, doing all the different layers of Photoshopping that entailed to have the card in its finished product.

BRIGIT: It’s so much work, isn’t it? That’s amazing.

LAUREN: Yeah! But very fun.

BRIGIT: I think it's quite an amazing thing to have it where you're visualising the card, and then someone else is expressing that visually, and to get that right, you need to be very in sync with each other.


BRIGIT: That’s quite amazing.

LAUREN: Teags gets my vibe, I think. And I think you also need to have space. I really want any person that I work with to feel really autonomous and empowered by their own style and skill. You can’t micromanage that. You need to allow them to do their part of it and just go, “Awesome. You’ve nailed it on the head.”

BRIGIT: And then, so I hear that there was a revamp of the deck—is that right?

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LAUREN: Of Lumina?

BRIGIT: Is it Lumina or the other one?

LAUREN: So, Oracle I had to… Yes, I put an extra five cards in Oracle, so it was now a 55-card deck, and there were, I think, 8 or 9 cards that were redrawn. Yes, so Oracle now, to me, has… It’s like she’s grown up a little bit. There was the first version of Oracle, and now there’s this version, and yeah, she’s a little bit wiser, a little bit more mature, a little bit more expansive and holding a larger kind of energy.

BRIGIT: Yep, beautiful. With the Tarot deck as well, with redrawing that, was that just minor stuff, or were you changing things quite significantly?

LAUREN: To me, it was minor. I know that there were a couple of quite big card changes, like the High Priestess, but yes, overall I feel like the changes that were made to Lumina were just really tweaks.

BRIGIT: Yeah. Is it kind of a living deck for you? As in do you foresee yourself making further changes? Or is it kind of done?

LAUREN: No, I think it will be a living deck for me. Both of them.


LAUREN: I feel like pretty much everything that I create will be a living deck, so I'll either have to continue to keep it evolved and up to speed to the current energies and vibe of where we are because that's what so important to me. Or I will retire them. If I really feel like, “OK, you’ve done your job,” then it will be a retirement, and I would just no longer produce them anymore.

BRIGIT: Oh, that sounds so sad. Don’t do that! How are you getting this deck out? How is it finding its way into the right people’s hands?

LAUREN: Yeah, so it just started. I had my little website and an Instagram and a Facebook page, and people who had followed my writing or any of my work that I had done through the website that I would share on Instagram or Facebook, and when I started to announce I was creating an Oracle deck and then a Tarot deck, and I was just showing some of the imagery of that, I just had wonderful, I suppose, supporters that wanted to support Inner Hue and myself and also were interested in what I was creating. They purchased, and from there, I guess, they shared the cards or the things that I created on their own Instagram and Facebook because that’s what felt right for them to do, and from there I guess it’s kind of been a little bit word of mouth. I haven’t really marketed mostly because I don’t know how to! This is truth of it, if I’m being honest.

But yeah, so in that way, it’s just grown momentum with people sharing and seeing images and finding out where and being engaged, and also then coming and supporting, and that’s how it’s developed over time.

BRIGIT: Yep. Do you think you would ever go down the path of having this deck traditionally published versus self-published? I’m assuming you're self-published at the moment, right?

LAUREN: Yes, self-published. Yes, I’m definitely open to it. It would have to be in alignment with and honouring with the vision of an issue and aligning and honouring of, I guess, the greater good and to make sure that it’s still connecting up and supporting everybody that I would like for it to be because I feel a sense of loyalty to everybody who has supported me to this space. So, I would want to make sure that it would still meet a match and support in that way as well, if that makes sense.


LAUREN: I’m definitely open to it, but it hasn’t arisen, so I guess can’t speak about it because I don’t know what I would do!

BRIGIT: Yep! I mean, looking at it, it reminds me… It’s not exactly like, but it reminds me of the Wild Unknown. Do you often get that comparison?

LAUREN: Yeah, and I think that’s because I have a really earthy energy, and I have… Yes, people pair the two together.


LAUREN: And I think for those that know me personally, it’s like, “Oh wow, no, that’s exactly you, Lauren,” because I have a very earthy energy. But for, I suppose, those who don’t know me wouldn’t know that about me, so they could think it’s got a very Wild Unknown vibe.

BRIGIT: I think of, say, Kim with the Wild Unknown, what she’s done in terms of… It’s published. It’s in Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie, I think, in the U.S. She’s got such a massive reach with it, so I just see your deck and think, “Wow, there’s so much potential in this, too.”

LAUREN: Yeah. She and I have a… I don’t want to say this in a negative way. It’s not negative. It has a deeper or darker or more witchy vibe, which I love about her deck. Yeah, it feels very magic in that sense—alchemy magic. I think people when they describe, they'll see my deck has the Wild Unknown vibe, but it feels maybe larger in a way.

BRIGIT: Yeah. I would agree because I love looking at the Wild Unknown, and then I find it hard to read with it.


BRIGIT: And I do get a different kind of feel off your cards. I think this intersection is where it’s this modern translation of the deck, and I don’t know. I really think we need more of this being put out in such a big way because I think decks like these are what will help move Tarot into the next evolution.


BRIGIT: And again, it’s not washing away what Tarot is and has been, but it’s evolving it into a new layer.

LAUREN: Yes, it’s a modern tool.


LAUREN: And it’s accessible to everybody rather than it being just for occult types. It’s not like that at all.

BRIGIT: Yes, and decks like these make it so much more approachable so that there is something that you can feel cool and hip and modern using cards that look like this.


BRIGIT: Rather than having to then sort of explain, “Well, this court card here… Yes, he looks like he’s a knight in shining armour, but really he means this…”

LAUREN: Right, yeah.

BRIGIT: I think it’s fabulous. Who would you recommend this deck for? Who and what kinds of readings does this really resonate with?

LAUREN: That’s hard for me to answer because I guess I use it for me. I think I use it for an assortment of things. I use it for when I’m doing readings for people when I do intuitive readings so that they’re not at all Tarot readings. I don’t do Tarot readings; I do intuitive readings, and I use Tarot or Oracle cards as a way to tap into an individual’s energy. So, I use it like that, but I know lots of people who use these cards specifically for Tarot readings.

Then I also have, I would say, more people that just use it for their own personal use. They vibed with the cards. It resonated with them, so as part of them exploring themselves and their lives, they have these tools to use as a way to access guidance and information and insight into particular situations or areas of themselves and their lives that they’re wanting a little bit of extra support and navigation with.


LAUREN: Yeah, I have people that use it within their business, so when they’re developing new business plans and things like that, it’s really cool. They will also use cards as a way to help map out their future endeavours. I think really the benefit with any Tarot or any Oracle, not just the ones that I’ve created, is that you get to decide how you want to use them, and that was a very freeing kind of idea that I came to embody, rather than feeling overwhelmed or feeling like I need to use it the way that it’s always been used. Why can’t I just define how I like to use it and go from there?


LAUREN: That’s honestly how I would love for the cards to be used, for people to purchase them that I’m grateful for and then go, “Please, they’re yours now. Make them your own. Use them how you would like to use them. There is no right or wrong way.”

BRIGIT: Absolutely. On sort of a societal level, I feel like that’s where we’re moving towards as well. We’re breaking free of rules and structure and coming back home, and that home is inside of us. Even just having that represented through this deck, where it’s you make of it what you want to.

What I also really like about the deck… Well, I always get frustrated if I get a new deck, and there’s no guidebook, or it’s just a couple of lines, or it looks like it’s just copied and pasted from the Rider-Waite. I think, “Oh man! I want to find out more about what’s the inspiration behind the card.” So, you have this awesome little book that comes with it. As you said, it’s 35,000 words, so it’s quite substantial.

LAUREN: That’s the Lumina, yeah.

BRIGIT: It gives guidance, and it gives space to turn it into what feels right for you and for that card. I think you’ve done really well there. And the shadow… I just wanted to ask, with the shadow side, is the intention of that for reversals, or is it more to explore that every card has light and shade in it?

LAUREN: Well, both. I guess it was initially there to be able to… If people wanted to use reversals, there was that option. I know that I mentioned that at the beginning of the guidebook and kind of said, “Look, that’s entirely up to you.” I personally don’t use… I don’t follow a traditional system. If a card comes out, and it’s reversed, and I get this feeling that it’s “Oh, this is telling me something because it’s coming out in that way,” then I’ll pay attention to that feeling and look at the guidance of the card or read the meaning of the card in a reversed way. However, sometimes a card will come out reversed, and there is no accompanying feeling with it, so I don’t pay any attention to it, but I did want to express it. With everything, there is a shadow and a light. There is never just light, and there never is just shadow, so yeah, that was one of the reasons why I wanted to include that down at the bottom as well and, again, just to add depth because I’m one of those people that look inside everything.

BRIGIT: Yeah. It’s neat. Awesome. What’s coming up next for you? What’s on the horizon?

LAUREN: Well, nothing card-like at the moment! I’ve just created Into the Woods, which is a book, which is a really, really beautiful book talking about basically soul growth and how we all go through a cycle of growth in seasons. We all have a winter, spring, summer, and autumn, and how this takes us on our own depth of journey and adventure, and it helps us to understand what’s going on between what I called our human selves and our soul selves a lot of the time.

I have contemplated actually not just a little bit… I’ve thought quite a lot about developing a couple of card reading guides that can help people in navigating each of their seasons—winter, spring, summer, and autumn. And other than that, I’m moving back into the area of, I suppose, teaching energy and teaching how to tap into your own natural, intuitive, and energetic abilities to use for lifestyle, to navigate your life in a really aligned and potent way.

BRIGIT: Yep, beautiful. Are you doing that online, in person, or a bit of both?


BRIGIT: Oh, neat. I love the idea of the book. Will that be something that’s self-published?

LAUREN: Oh, thank you! Well, it’s out now. I should send you a copy!

BRIGIT: Oh yes, please! That would be awesome.

LAUREN: All right. I’ll send you a copy. You can have a look at it.

BRIGIT: Oh, nice. And is that something you put on Amazon big distribution or on your site?

LAUREN: It’s on my site at the moment. It’s in the works of putting on Amazon. I just kind of wish I was an octopus that had eight arms and maybe a few more heads! That sounds like a scary creature. Just because I’m slowly just list ticking and getting everything up. So, essentially, yes, one day it will be up on Amazon. It’s not there yet, but it’s in the long list of things to do.

BRIGIT: Yep. Well, it took us 9 years to get our e-book onto Amazon.

LAUREN: Wow. Cool—you're making me feel a hell of a lot better! Thank you.

BRIGIT: Yep, yep. Fabulous. Where can people find out more about you, Lauren?

LAUREN: Inner Hue! That’s I-N-N-E-R H-U-E. My website will link you to Instagram or Facebook, but if you can just Google Inner Hue, you’ll be able to find me in all the places that perhaps you’d like to find me on!

BRIGIT: We’ll also post your links and, with your permission, images of some of the cards from the deck, and those will be over at, along with all the show notes and the transcript for today and all that good stuff. So, Lauren, it’s been such a joy to have a chat with you, and I am loving this deck. I can’t wait to dig into it even more, and plus the Oracle. We didn’t even get to cover much about the Oracle, but that is just as gorgeous. We were flipping through it, my daughters and I, over a story time and just loving it, so it’s great.

LAUREN: Thank you!

BRIGIT: All right. Thank you so much.

LAUREN: Thank you, too, Brigit. Nice chatting.



BRIGIT: So, there you have it. I hope you enjoyed that conversation as much as I did. Remember: You can find out more about Lauren and see some visuals of the Lumina Tarot plus the Oracle over at You’ll also get the transcript to today’s show and all sorts of other goodness.

I hope you have a wonderful week, and I’m really looking forward to connecting with you again very, very soon.

Bye for now!


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