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BTP74: Kitchen Table Tarot with Melissa Cynova

kitchen table tarot

Kitchen Table Tarot

On today’s podcast, I chat with Melissa Cynova, author of Kitchen Table Tarot.

When Melissa was fourteen, a kid in her class gave her a deck of tarot cards for unknown reasons. She's been reading ever since. In addition to being a prolific tarot reader over at, she teaches classes at her kitchen table and at tarot conferences. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri.

Her book, Kitchen Table Tarot, was published by Llewellyn and came out in early April.

In this podcast episode, you’ll learn:

  • All about Melissa’s book Kitchen Table Tarot
  • Melissa’s style of Tarot reading, which is accessible and real, and approaches it from where we are right now
  • How Melissa found her Tarot community

Additional Resources

Check out Melissa Cynova at Little Fox Tarot

Purchase Melissa’s book, Kitchen Table Tarot

Learn how to become an intuitive Tarot card reader with my signature program, Master the Tarot Card Meanings

Podcast Transcript

You’re listening to the Biddy Tarot Podcast, and this is Episode 74: Kitchen Table Tarot with Melissa Cynova.

Welcome to the Biddy Tarot Podcast, where you’ll learn how to connect more deeply with your intuition, and live an empowered and enlightened life with the Tarot cards as your guide. Listen as Brigit and her guests share their very best tips and strategies to help you read Tarot with confidence. And now, here’s your host, Brigit Esselmont.

Kitchen Table Tarot with Melissa CYnova

BRIGIT: Hello, and welcome back to the Biddy Tarot Podcast. I’m thrilled to have you here. Now, on today’s podcast, I’m excited to speak with Melissa Cynova, who is the author of Kitchen Table Tarot, and also the founder of Little Fox Tarot. When Melissa was just a teenager, she was going to Catholic school, but she found a friend who wanted to talk about all things paranormal – UFOs, psychic and so on. This kid actually gave her her first deck of Tarot cards for reasons that Melissa has no idea. But ever since she has received that deck of Tarot cards, she has been reading Tarot.

Now, in addition to being a prolific Tarot reader over at Little Fox Tarot, Melissa also teaches classes at her kitchen table, at Tarot conferences, and with her meet-up group. Her book, Kitchen Table Tarot, was published by Llewellyn and came out in early April.

This is a really fun interview with Melissa, and we do talk about the book Kitchen Table Tarot, but I think more importantly we talk a lot about Melissa’s style of Tarot reading. I think you’ll probably be able to start to relate with how she approaches the Tarot cards. It’s very relatable and accessible and very real, in a very fabulous way of connecting with these cards in a way that’s part of where we are right now. Without further ado, let’s get into it.

Welcome, Melissa, I am so excited to have you on the podcast today. It’s great to have you here.

MELISSA: Thank you so much, I’m so excited to finally be talking with you.

BRIGIT: Yay! I just want to get started with how did you find Tarot? Or rather, how did Tarot find you?

MELISSA: This kid that I went to school with named Steve gave me a deck of cards and said, “You need to know how to do this.” At the time, we’d been talking about the automatic writing, and ghosts, and things like that because we had both just graduated from 8th grade at Catholic school, so this is all very weird, new stuff, and he said, “You need to have these.” I had no idea what they were, but I remember my great aunt playing with playing cards, you know? I thought it was the same kind of fortune telling that she was doing, and I just started using them.

I don’t think I actually had another person who was knowledgeable about them until college, so I went all through high school, four years, just kind of fiddling with them and figuring out what they meant and doing readings for my dad and for friends, and kind of sussing out what the meaning of the cards were by myself, because the book that I had was very esoteric. It was an Eden Gray book, and I had to read it with a dictionary to figure out what some of the words were, you know? I still couldn’t figure out what the hell the Hierophant had anything to do with my friend’s breakup, you know? It just didn’t make sense to me.

I started assigning meanings to them myself. And say, “OK, well, obviously there’s two guys in front of him, so he has something to say. And he has a big hat, right? Obviously he’s earned it.” I would say that my friend had to get this breakup, because the guy really wasn’t smart enough to take her where she needed to go, or he didn’t have the knowledge to get to where she needed to go, and then I would decide that that was right, and I would go on with my reading. It wasn’t until college in the late 90s that I figured out there are other people who did these, and then I started to kind of band together a community.

BRIGIT: Yeah, awesome. When did Little Fox Tarot come about? Was that earlier on or later in your Tarot journey?

MELISSA: It was so strange how it came about, because I have a friend in Canada – Hi Susan! – who wanted me to teach her Tarot, but this was back before cell phone plans would let you speak internationally without it costing a bajillion dollars, right? So I started a WordPress blog called “Melissa Tarot,” because it’s very creative, clearly, and I started writing about each card. Then I had it public, because I didn’t know how to make it not public, because I’m not a technology person. I started getting followers, and the next thing I knew, I had a couple thousand followers.

I got a journey from my friend that spirit journeys, and she found my spirit animal was a fox, so I always carry a fox with me. I have a fox tattoo, and it’s very meaningful to me. She always calls me her little fox, and she’s the person who the book is dedicated to, my friend Mary Strange, because she was the first person that was a part of that Tarot community I was speaking about. She’s the first person that actually had value for my readings and what I could do. I named the business Little Fox Tarot and morphed my WordPress made-up blog into a business. It took about, I don’t know, six years, I guess, to get it where it is today. So yeah, it’s interesting.

BRIGIT: Yeah, I often find with these kinds of things, you don’t wake up and go, “Hmm, I’m going to create a Tarot business.” It’s a lot more organic than that. These days, how are you using Tarot? How is it sort of expressed through you both personally and professionally?

MELISSA: Personally, my friend Beth Maiden has Little Red Tarot, and she kept blogging about choosing a card of the day. She was in Portland at the Northwest Tarot Symposium three years ago when I first went, and she yelled at me for not pulling a card a day, and I was like, “Yeah, I don’t read for myself – it’s like cheating, right?” She said that I was full of shit, that I needed to just start doing it, and I was like, “Fine.” So I started pulling a card a day, and I started using my original deck that Steve gave me 27 years ago. It’s really helped shape my day. I don’t give myself readings per se, but I do pull a card for the day and let it inform me about what’s going to happen.

I pulled a Three of Swords one day and I was like, ”OK, well, I need to be careful. I need to keep an eye out,” and then my son fell and cut his leg and was bleeding, and he texted me. This 11-year-old boy texts me a picture of blood pouring down his leg. It evidences itself in ways like that. He’s fine, by the way, just banned from ever sending me blood again in a text, because that’s just unnecessary. And professionally, like tonight, I’ve got three email readings to knock out, and I took care of two of them. After we speak, I’ll take care of another. I schedule my in-person readings for nights that I’m not with my kids, and on weekends I do phone readings pretty much all the time, and email readings during the day. It’s kind of my jam, you know?

BRIGIT: How would you describe your style as a Tarot reader?

MELISSA: I’m super direct. One of my heroes is Terry Iacuzzo, and she wrote the book Small Meetings at Large, because her family is a family of psychics. Her brother Frank is one of the first people who ever had people come to his home and do readings back in the 40s and 50s.

She said I’m kind of a in-your-face, blunt. She described my style as you know you’ve got a reading. When you get one from me, you know you’ve had a reading.

I really like that, because it’s my personality. I’m very straightforward and very direct. You know if I’m mad at you. You know that my emotions are all over my face. When I give a reading I’m like, “Hey, here’s what you’re doing wrong. Here’s what you need to fix. But here are all the things you’re doing right, and if you keep doing this right, this is how it’s going to be.”

I feel like I share that enthusiasm really clearly with my cards in the same way I do with my relationships. If you get a reading from me, it’s a conversation. You and I are going to figure out how to fix this, and if I have to call you a dumbass in the middle of it and tell you to knock it off, then I’ll do that, you know?


MELISSA: I had a reading the other night and it was the “Will he come back?” reading.

Those always break my heart, because I’m always thinking, “You know, you’re not the same person as you were when you met them, and they’re not the same person. Are you telling me that you want this guy from today back or the guy that you met five years ago back? Because he ain’t coming back, and if you don’t adjust your wants to the fellow that you have now, it doesn’t matter if he comes back. You’re still not going to be happy.”

So having this conversation she says, “Is he going to come back?” I said, “No, but you already know that.” She’s like, “Yeah I do, why did I call you?” and I’m like, “Because you needed to hear somebody else say it, and I’m happy to be that person.” You know?


MELISSA: And then we just sat for a second and were really quiet, and I said, “I’m really sorry.” She’s like, “I’m really sorry too.” That was pretty much the reading, and she didn’t want to know about future romances. She didn’t want to know about work, she just wanted to know from somebody else, “He’s really gone, isn’t he?” We shared that, and I was really grateful that she called and that we got to share that together. I love doing readings. I love being able to be a part of that. Even though it wasn’t what she wanted to hear, I think it was an important step for her in moving on.

BRIGIT: Yeah. It kind of speaks to Tarot, not just as cards with messages – there’s so much more to a Tarot reading than just reading the cards.


BRIGIT: It’s holding space for someone, being witness to what’s going on for them, even just that reflecting back.


BRIGIT: You know, your example is perfect.


BRIGIT: So you’ve written a book. It looks awesome.


BRIGIT: It’s Kitchen Table Tarot.


BRIGIT: Tell me a bit about it. I just saw the cover and I’m like, “Yes, she’s nailed the branding. I love it – more of that, please.”

MELISSA: Llewellyn has been so great, Barbara Moore, and Laura, and my team. They’ve all been so great, because I’m like, “I want a curvy chick with tattoos,” and they’re like, “Eh, I don’t know about tattoos,” and I’m like, “OK, I want a curvy chick with some sass.”

And boy, did they deliver with the sass. I love it so much because I’m me. I’ve got tattoos up my arm, and I usually wear jeans and Converse and I usually have somebody at my house – they’re at my kitchen table, and we’re having a drink and we’re talking about cards.

That’s the energy that I brought to this book, and I was so thrilled to see that kind of crossing the covering, and then all the work that my team put into it. It was really cool. So the Kitchen Table Tarot came up, because that’s where I started teaching classes.


MELISSA: At my house, everybody ends up around the kitchen table. It doesn’t matter how many chairs you have set up; everybody’s crowded into the kitchen. I would give someone a reading, and we’re just having a party or having dinner or whatever, and then the next thing I know I’m like twenty cards into teaching them the cards. And I’m like, “This guy, the Hanged Man is saying ‘not yet.’ He’s saying ‘be still.’ He’s up there of his own accord, because he’s not entirely tired, and what he’s doing up there is he’s gathering his strength.”

Then I’ll bring out three or four different decks and I’ll say, “Oh, in the Shadowscapes deck, you can actually see the ball of energy he’s preparing, and he’s shaped like this, because it’s like the number 4.” I would get into all the cool details that I know about the Hanged Man, and then I’d say, “But look out, because he’s ready to flip down and get moving, so this is your time to sit still.” And they go, “Oh that makes sense!”

And then they grab another card, you know? It was just a really casual, off-the-path way without getting into the history, and without getting into all of the symbology, really. I wanted to give people a snapshot, like, “This is this card. Now that you have that card, go read more about it. Grab Anabelle’s book, or go grab one by Barbara Moore, or Mary K. Greer, or Rachel Pollack, the High Queen of Tarot, and learn about it, but get the basics first, so you can use your cards, and have your experience feed into your knowledge.

BRIGIT: Yeah. From how you’re describing the cards and how you work with the cards, I think the really neat thing is you’re making it real. This isn’t all that esoteric, pie-in-the-sky stuff that people often can’t relate to.

MELISSA: Right, yeah.

BRIGIT: I think when you start talking about the cards in this way, they can say, “Ah, OK, I get it. This guy looks a little bit weird. I’ve never seen someone dress like that in the last ten years, but I get what it means.”

MELISSA: Right. But, like the Judgment card, I am not Christian. It’s based on the Judea-Christian Judgment Day, so if I get someone in my classes that doesn’t assign to that faith, I’ll pull out the Shadowscapes deck and say, “Do you see how she’s playing the trumpet, and all the butterflies fly up, and everything is in the sun? The Judgment card is about sunshine just shining at everything and all of the darkness goes away. All our faults come to life and all our faults are the things that make us beautiful, and that card is about owning all of your broken bits and saying, ‘This is who I am.’”

And they’re like “Yeah! I get it. I get that card.” It’s important too, even though I teach with Rider Waite Smith, I generally have a deck of cards next to me when I’m teaching, so I can pull out different versions.

Or have my phone with me, and I’m like, “Dude, OK, check out this deck. In the Golden Thread it has this detail, and that will help you learn this card.” I think it’s really important to not freeze into one deck, or freeze into one tradition.

It makes me really nervous when I hear not just Tarot readers but other people say, “I know,” because the minute you know something, you stop learning. It just makes me really twitchy. I’m like, “Oh, you know, do you? Well, which truth do you know? Share with me.”

BRIGIT: What is “truth?”

MELISSA: Exactly. It’s so subjective, really.

BRIGIT: Yeah. Just cycling back a little bit, what really stood out to me was, if you find a card in the Tarot deck that you just don’t really connect to, you look for it in another deck. I know when you say, “The Hierophant,” that’s just one that stumbles people all the time. They’re like, “Ugh, hate it.”

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MELISSA: It’s a pain in the ass. It really is.

BRIGIT: Probably by looking at it in a few other decks, then you start to say, “Oh, OK.” You start to see the essence or the energy of that card, instead of the visual image that’s up at the front, because I think sometimes we can get just a bit caught up in “I have this aversion to popes,” or something.


BRIGIT: But if we see that in a different representation, then we can connect back into the energy of that card.

MELISSA: You know, it’s funny you said that, because that was the card that got me. For 15 or 20, I could not get the Hierophant card. I would just stare at it and go, “Welp.”

BRIGIT: Mm-hmm.

MELISSA: But I read this book. I think it’s Seeker by Rachel Pollack, and in it she describes the Hierophant as the trickster god, because he takes information from the gods and brings it to people in ways they can understand, and I was like, “Bingo! I got it, because this person has the higher learning, and he transforms it into piecemeal so that we can digest it, right?”

I see this a lot – it comes up in people who do computer work, because they’re all among the 0’s and the 1’s and making things make sense in their binary code and making it into English, or whichever language the computer is speaking, and it’s all about that moving information around.

I mentioned the Shadowscapes deck a few times because I think that’s one of the decks I love the most for teaching because it gives me a different face to the card, and in the Shadowscapes deck, the Hierophant is a tree with really, really deep roots that’s reaching out. He looks like a librarian, and he’s got this really cool vibe of someone that you can go to and ask a question. He’ll either find the answer or point you to it.


MELISSA: I hate that card. I did for a long time. I couldn’t stand it, but I figured it out. I had to learn it, the rote, which is always kind of a black-and-white feeling, I think. When you know the card, you’re like, “Oh, the Hierophant! This is a card, blah blah blah blah.” But after you tap into it… After I found that passage by Pollack, I was like, “Well that card’s mine now.” Now I have it. …then it becomes in colour.

BRIGIT: Yeah. You know, even like you were describing it, I was like, “I wonder if you have ever resonated with the Hierophant, and how you’re taking Tarot in terms of taking something quite complex and making it easy to understand. Have you ever thought of it in that way?

MELISSA: Not until now.

BRIGIT: I wrecked it for you now.

MELISSA: Not until just a second ago. Actually, my husband teases me, because someone asked me the other day, “What’s your favourite Tarot card?” and I said, “I don’t know. There’s 78 of them. They’re all great.” I’m going all up my ass about it, and he goes, “The High Priestess, babe. The High Priestess. Hello.” And I’m like, “Yeah, yeah, that is my favourite.” That’s the one I identify with, because I guess I have two different roles, I have the Hierophant teacher mode, and I have the High Priestess reader mode. And the one that I’m the most comfortable with, because I’ve been doing it for the longest, is the High Priestess.

And I love The Prayer Tarot by Robin Ator, and in it, the High Priestess has these round glasses that reflect back, and it reminds me of a reading that I did a few years ago, and I was sitting in the sun.

I had my shades on, and this person was like, “All I can see is myself in your sunglasses.” And I go, “Good, because I’m not supposed to be here. This is about you and your question and your answers. I’m just translating your cards for you. So maybe you do need to look at yourself and get a little uncomfortable, and then maybe the reading will resonate more.”

Luckily it was a friend of mine, and she’s like, “Shut up! God, you’re such a jerk.” But it really did resonate with her, because if she would have been looking at me, she would have been looking at Melissa, her friend who has an opinion about everything, and instead, she was looking at herself, and I think that really resonated with her.

BRIGIT: Love it.

MELISSA: I mean, she still thinks I’m an asshole, but what are you going to do? We’re still friends. It worked out.

BRIGIT: Very good. So in writing this book, is this your first book, or have you written books before?

MELISSA: This is my first book.


MELISSA: I am in the midst of my second book. I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was 6, and I remember telling my dad I’m going to have a book in the Library of Congress one day, and now I do, so now I can just quit. Now I’m done. No, I’m just kidding. No, I love writing. It’s one of my favourite things. It’s one of the reasons I love email readings so much, because I can just get everything out, because I talk a lot. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I talk really quickly and I can’t always get my brain to align with my mouth. Writing is a way for me to get everything out exactly the way I want it, instead of later going, “Did I say that out loud? Oh, I did. Fantastic.”

The book I’m working on now is called Elements, and I designed a different reading to go with each element, plus the element of spirit. If you’re having issues with your emotional self, then we do a reading based on the alchemical symbol for water, and I have a little gift box that I send to folks, and then we do a reading and we find out what is tipping their emotions over, or what they’re carrying with them that they need to put down. Then they have homework, and then I’ve got resources for each element, so it’s earth, air, water, fire, and spirit, and then home, intellect, emotion, body, and spiritual self. That’s what I’m in the middle of now, and, of course, still teaching and doing readings.

BRIGIT: Wow, that sounds awesome. Aw man, I get so excited when we use Tarot in ways that are like, just integrated. Do you know what I mean? It’s not like, “I’m doing a Tarot reading,” but it’s like this is part of you.

MELISSA: I had a client ask me, “Could you just hit a reset button in every single effin’ part of my life?” And I was like, “Yes. I can, actually.”

It was like going around in my head and then there was this jeweller named Aiden Walter, and he actually made my wedding band, my husband and I. He’s wonderful, he’s a talismanic jeweller. He made this tiny little pentacle, and he posted it on Facebook and he was like, “Oh, it’s too small. I made it for another piece, and I made it too small.”

I saw it. This is going to sound really crazy, but work with me. I start to kind of break apart and go back in pieces, and that’s where I got the idea of Elements book, because all of these pieces come together to make a whole, and if one of them is too heavy, or too kinetic, or too whatever, it makes the rest of them not valid. I designed a reading for each part of a person’s self so that they could align better and find their balance.

Then I called Barbara Moore, all “Oh my god, I’m going to write this book, blah blah blah!” Yeah. I’d like to apologise to Barbara Moore for calling her on her cell phone and freaking her out in the middle of a Tuesday with my hyper phone call. So, anyway, I think it’s going to be cool. I think it’s going to be cool. It’s not just Tarot readings, Tarot is a tool that you can apply to so many parts of your life, you know?

BRIGIT: Yes, definitely.

MELISSA: Good stuff.

BRIGIT: And is that published by Llewellyn as well?

MELISSA: Yeah, yeah. I’m in the middle of it right now with her. Hopefully we’ll see it out on Llewellyn shelves soon.

BRIGIT: Yeah. It’s probably like a Tarot reader’s, or Tarot teacher’s, or Tarot writer’s dream come true to have a book published with Llewellyn. How did you bring that about? How did that happen?

MELISSA: Oh, and I always say Barbara Moore because I went to the Northwest Tarot Symposium first conference and I met her, and I cried all over her – like, snot. You wouldn’t believe it. It was so embarrassing. She sent out a call saying, “I’m looking for books.” So I’ve been working on this thing, and I threw it together and sent it to her, and I got rejected, and I was like, “Ouch.” But she gave me three really great pointers, and I fixed those three things, and I got accepted.

This is not related to the book, but it’s just funny because this is me. I went to the Northwest Tarot Symposium the next year, and I met Mary K. Greer, and you’ll guess it – I cried all over her. Like ridiculous, “I love you, and I learn from you and blah blah blah.” Right. So, this year at Reader Studio in New York, I’m looking forward to meeting Rachel Pollack and crying all over her, and then I’ll have my trifecta of the people, and I learn from your website, you know? I learned from these three ladies, and that’s how I got into Llewellyn, and then I learned from your website. I learned from Theresa Reed, my mentor. She’s amazing, the Tarot Lady.

The internet and Twitter really opened up the world for me because I was so lonely. You know? It’s very hard living in the middle of Missouri, being a Tarot reader in the early 90s. There’s no one else. It was a wasteland. I felt weird and kind of isolated, and I would give someone a reading and it would be really accurate, and I would scare them, and they wouldn’t be my friend anymore. Or I would tell them that their boyfriend was cheating on them, and then they would find out and they would get angry with me. I didn’t have anybody to talk with about that, so it was really difficult, and I didn’t know if I was right, you know? I have this book that half makes sense to me, and that’s it. And that’s how I started. It was very lonely.

I have my community now from the Tarot conferences I go to, from the internet. Theresa had this really great Soulful Proprietor Workshop that I went to, and I met a crew, a whole host of people there, and then I started one in St. Louis. We have a group now called “The Saint Louis Hard-Slingers,” and it’s me and four other local readers who are all wonderful. We started a meet-up group on We have quarterly meet-ups now, so my Tarot community is huge. What I hope to get by this is by not having a kid sitting at home, alone, with their deck of cards, because that sucked, so I’m trying to take the gift of community that I found and pass it on.

BRIGIT: Yeah, I think we’re in such a good time right now. We’ve got the internet that’s connecting so many people across the world. It’s fabulous.

MELISSA: Amazing. It’s so great. I love Twitter. I love it. I’ve met some of the best folks on Twitter. I tried Tumblr, and then I realised I was 42, and I had absolutely no reason to be on Tumblr. You know how many times I went on Urban Dictionary to try to find out what something meant? It’s ridiculous. I was like yeah, “Maybe that’s not your place, Melissa.” It was so funny. I went on Tumblr, and I found it was not for me. I found a local. K. Potter he’s a dear friend in the St. Louis Hard-Slingers. We met on Tumblr, and then I dropped it. I went on there just to find Potter, and now we’re good. But yeah, it worked out really well in that regard.

BRIGIT: Excellent. Is there anything you wanted to cover today that we haven’t covered, or what should we know about you and Tarot that we haven’t covered today?

MELISSA: Good question. I don’t know… I think the thing that I hear the most about my readings and about my teaching style is it’s very direct, and it’s very to the point. I don’t know… I’m not always everybody’s favourite cup of tea, but the people that resonate with me, I learned so much from them. When we get together and we start having conversations, I learn so much from my students and even the people that I read for.

I don’t know if I answered your question. I’m just kind of rambling… I don’t know. I think my point, if there is one, is that Tarot does for me more than I could ever do for Tarot, but I’m going to keep trying. I’m going to keep trying to help people understand and to give good readings and learn as much as I can so I can pass that on.

I think that the Tarot community now (as you said, the internet) is so big, and there’s room for all of us, and I love that kind of we’re-all-in-it-together vibe. That’s why I interview people from my blog. I always try to pull up new readers that I find on Twitter and give them a new audience, because there’s certainly amazing stuff going on with the younger kids today. They’ve got some amazing perspectives on the cards, and they’re teaching me all the time.

BRIGIT: Yeah, I reckon we’ll see Tarot come through in a whole new voice, a whole new way, particularly like with – I feel so old when I say it – the younger folks coming through who are using Tarot.

MELISSA: I know, these kids these days. Yeah, well, and I remember looking 10 years ago, because I do a lot of readings for folks who are in the queer community, and people who are transitioning, things like that, and there were two or three decks for people who are gay or queer or transitioning, or even people of colour.

Then I posted a question on Facebook and I was like, “I need a list of all of the decks that have people who are queer, people of colour or queer people of colour. Hook me up.” And I actually found a page in the book that has fifteen different decks. Now, that’s not a lot, right? But we’re getting there. We’re learning more and we’re doing better, and I think that that kind of tapestry to learn Tarot in, or even learn your basics, and the symbolism is important, and the classics are important. But to have a Tarot deck that has your face in it? That’s pretty special. That’s pretty important, you know? I think that that factor alone is just outstanding, and there are some really great decks out there that I’m really excited to be working with.


MELISSA: So yeah, that’s pretty cool.

BRIGIT: Yeah. Excellent. Well, we might even try to get that link from you. Is it still around, the list of decks that you found?

MELISSA: I can definitely post it again, yeah, because I think it’s buried under a conversation somewhere on my Facebook. I’m not really that good with the Facebook, but I can definitely –

BRIGIT: Oh, why don’t you post it on your blog, and then we can post it on to your page?

MELISSA: Yeah. Yeah, that’ll be great. I’ll put it on my blog. I talk about it in the book. I often come up with the King of Swords, which I identify as a white, male, heterosexual. But I do identify with someone who is smart, who is very sharp-tongued on occasion, and who doesn’t really like people coming into my space unless I know them, right? So, King of Swords. It’s about the symbology or the symbolism, but like I said, it’s nice to see your face in the deck of cards. I teach with the Rider-Waite Smith, but then I’m like, “But look over here, you guys. Look over here.” So yeah, I’ll totally post that. It’ll be good.

BRIGIT: Awesome. Excellent. Well, thank you Melissa. It’s been so good to chat with you today. Where can people find out more about you?

MELISSA: If you google Little Fox Tarot, you’ll find me. I’m on Instagram and Facebook, and not Tumblr. And I am on Twitter under @LittleFoxTarot.

BRIGIT: Fabulous. And, we’ll post those links in the show notes, which will be at Fabulous! I really enjoyed having our conversation today, you are hilarious and also very insightful, and I just love the way you come at the Tarot cards from that very “Let’s be real, this is what they’re about,” versus something sort of pie-in-the-sky. Thank you so much for today. I really appreciate it.

MELISSA: Thank you! Thank you so much for having me. It was great to talk with you.

BRIGIT: There you have it. I hope you enjoyed that interview with Melissa Cynova as much as I did. Remember, you can get all of the show notes at

Now I have some really exciting news to share with you. We are just about to open the doors to our signature Tarot training program, “Master the Tarot Card Meanings.” In this program, you are going to discover how to connect intuitively with the Tarot cards so that you can begin to read from the heart and not just the book. Forget about having to memorise 78 Tarot card meanings. This program is going to show you how to connect with those cards in a really meaningful way. I’ll show you the techniques behind how you interpret each and every Tarot card of the deck, and I’ll give you my very best strategies for how you can get really personal with these cards and integrate them into your life.

If you want to learn how to become an intuitive Tarot card reader then make sure you check out Master the Tarot Card Readings over at

BTP74: Kitchen Table Tarot with Melissa Cynova

Now, the Master the Tarot Cards program is open for a limited time, and if you land on the page a little bit after that, no stress. Sign up for the waiting list, and you’ll be the first to know as soon as it’s open again. It’s been an absolute joy. Thank you so much for listening, and I look forward to being in your earbuds again very, very soon. Bye for now.


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