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BTP28: Introducing The Biddy Tarot Community


If you’ve ever felt like your interest in reading Tarot is something you need to keep to yourself, I’ve got news for you…

That stops now!

It’s high time we lift Tarot cards out of the shadows and come together to discuss, learn and celebrate all the goodness and light that comes from following your intuition.

In this podcast, I'll show you where to find your Tarot tribe and be part of a modern learning community for people who want to improve their Tarot card reading skills and connect more deeply to their intuition in their day-to-day lives.

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Podcast Transcript

Brigit: You’re listening to the Biddy Tarot Podcast, and this is Episode 28: Introducing the Biddy Tarot Community.


Welcome to the Biddy Tarot podcast, where you will learn how to connect more deeply with your intuition and live an empowered and enlightened life with the Tarot cards as your guide.

Listen as Brigit and her guests share their very best tips and strategies to help you read Tarot with confidence.

And now, here is your host Brigit Esselmont.


Brigit: Hello and welcome!

If you’ve ever felt like your interest in reading Tarot is something that you need to keep to yourself, well I have news for you…That stops now!

I’ve talked to so many wonderful people around the world with an interest – and even a calling — to read Tarot for themselves and others.But unfortunately, many of them feel shy about telling their friends, spouses, co-workers or even family about it.

There’s something still taboo and maybe even potentially shameful about owning the fact that you read Tarot (or that you're keen on developing your intuition).

Well, I am putting my foot down! It is high time that we lift Tarot cards out of the shadows and come together to discuss, learn and celebrate all of the goodness and light that comes from following your intuition.

And that's why I created the new Biddy Tarot Community. The Biddy Tarot Community is a modern learning community for people who want to improve their Tarot card reading skills and connect more deeply to their intuition in their day-to-day lives.

If you want to find out more about the community go to for all of the details.

In this podcast, I'm going to give you the very special guided tour of the community plus my tips on how you can make the most of being part of this Tarot tribe.

Let's get into it…

Let me guess, you’re listening to this podcast because you want to improve your intuitive Tarot card reading skills. But often, this can be a really lonely path.

Many of us start learning Tarot on our own in our bedrooms or tucked away somewhere where nobody can see us, but there’s only so far that being on your own as a Tarot reader can take you. There comes a point when:

  • You really crave a second opinion on a read of a Tarot spread
  • Maybe you want to know how to interpret other people's cards or how other people interpret the cards
  • Or you want to start chatting to other people who read Tarot

It's really at this point that many of us realize that it’s hard to find others like us who share our interest… and in some cases, it could even be potentially harmful to admit to being passionate (or even curious) about Tarot

I can't tell you how many stories I've heard of folks who are living in particular communities where if anyone in that community knew that they were reading Tarot, they would be excluded from that community, which totally breaks my heart because Tarot is just something that shouldn't be a thing that we're ashamed about.

I remember in my early days as I was reading Tarot, it was something I didn't want to really tell other people about because I was afraid of being judged. But that really puts you in a difficult place as a Tarot reader because this is something that you're passionate about and you're not able to share that with the people that you really love and care about.

So, you’re torn in these two directions. On the one hand, you want to connect and talk with other people who can read Tarot cards. But on the other hand, you’re not totally sure that you want people in your everyday life to know that you’re pulling cards and practicing your intuition.

But here's the thing. Your intuition has got you this far in life. And your intuition can guide you to even greater experiences, opportunities – even love and riches — if you let it.

Reading the Tarot cards puts your intuition on speed dial. For every question that you have about a situation in your life, you have this awesome tool to get insights and answers, right on the spot. Not only that, the answers that you do get will be totally unique to you (not cookie-cutter advice that you could read in a self-help book).

That’s why it’s finally time to take reading Tarot cards out of the shadows and admit how cool – and useful – it really is.

Because now more than ever, all kinds of people are looking for answers within themselves. It doesn't really matter whether you’re a healer, a corporate executive, an artist, a mechanic, a mom or a nurse, the Biddy Tarot Community gives you the support, the community and the nurturing to deepen your connection with your intuition using Tarot.

The main thing is that you can learn at your own pace by attending classes and lessons on everything from the basics of reading Tarot to new spreads – in a way that works for your schedule.

You can practice your skills by offering free Tarot readings to people willing to give you helpful feedback. I can tell you what, this is totally the best way to learn!

I've spoken to many of our community members who have been doing free readings for strangers and just to watch and hear of their transformation from that very first reading, you know the nerves of, “My goodness, am I going to get this right. What if I'm wrong?” All the way through to maybe that 50th free reading that they've done. They're like, “Yeah, I think I can do this.”

And then really seeing people flourish from there and going off to read for other people or do to Tarot parties or Tarot events or even just set up their Tarot businesses. It's just amazing to see.

Having that ability to offer free readings to strangers is just insane, just really wonderful for your Tarot experience.

In the community you can join in the discussions by meeting and talking shop with people just like you around the world who use Tarot to guide them in everyday life.

I don't know about you, but I don't have that many people that I can talk Tarot within my sort of local environment. Obviously my business is in Tarot so I've got lots of connections online, but I think about my friends and family and there are not many folks that I can talk Tarot with.

When I do find people that I can talk about Tarot with, it's like oh, brilliant. This is something I'm so passionate about and I can share it with somebody.

Imagine if you had that ability to be able to connect in with a group of people who are excited about Tarot as you are and who see it as this wonderful tool, instead of something to be ashamed about. I think that's incredibly powerful.

Let me take you on a bit of a sneak peek inside of the Biddy Tarot Community. I really want to give you a bit of a guided tour for the community so you can get a sense of what's inside.

Your Community Membership gives you exclusive access to tools that you won’t find anywhere else, including:

Out Member Forum which is a welcoming, friendly place where you can talk with other people who read Tarot. You can talk about Tarot card meanings, Tarot spreads, how you are using Tarot in your daily life.

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Get Your FREE Tarot Card
Meanings Reference Guide

And Avoid Getting Stuck When Trying To Remember The Card Meanings

Reference Guide Tarot Meaning

We run Tarot Challenges every couple of months so that you can really start to have fun and engage with Tarot.

And anytime that maybe you're doing a Tarot reading at home and you think, “Oh my goodness, what's the Death card mean as an outcome.” Perhaps you can sit there and read some books, but they never really have the exact answer that you're looking for.

Imagine being able to go into the discussion forum and say, “Hey, I've done this reading. I drew this card in this position. I don't really know what it means.” Then having dozens of people being able to respond and say, “Hey, have you thought about it this way?”

Maybe you're starting to read for other people and you can jump into those forums and say, “Look, I'm reading for my best friend, but she's asked for her 10th reading in the whole week and I don't know what to do. I don't know how to say no.”

Maybe you've got these kinds of dilemmas and you just want to have some support around well what do I do in this kind of situation. Well, that really is what the Biddy Tarot Community is all about, having that support network around you so that you feel really confident as you're reading the Tarot cards and as you're exploring what Tarot really can do for you and for the people in your life.

Okay, so we also have monthly webinars. This is really for training in Tarot fundamentals. For example, how to deepen your intuition in readings, how to do really insightful Tarot readings, how to master the Tarot card combinations and so on. These are really special topics to help you become an even better Tarot reader.

We have a live webinar every month. They run for about 60 minutes. There's a good, sort of 45 minutes, spent on a tutorial, walking you through something around Tarot and helping you become better in Tarot.

Then you have the opportunity to ask me any question about Tarot. It's like getting coaching directly from me in these webinars.

Of course, if you can't make a live webinar, we record the webinars so that you can watch it shortly after. As we start to have more and more recorded webinars, you can go back to our archives and view those webinars. That is a huge value in itself.

Now, when you're starting to feel a little bit more ready for reading Tarot, you've got the opportunity to give free tarot readings to the public, in exchange for experience and feedback. This really is the best way to develop your skills and experience quickly.

I talked a little bit about it before. I just cannot emphasize it enough. Being able to give those free Tarot readings in a safe learning environment is immense value.

It's pretty hard to go out on your own and maybe setup, imagine going and setting up a table on the street and going, “Okay everybody, I want to practice my Tarot reading skills. Come and get a Tarot reading.” That's pretty daunting.

But what we have set up with the free Tarot readings is this great platform where we have literally hundreds and hundreds of people every day who want to have a free Tarot reading, who are open to Tarot and who are also ready to give you feedback to help you improve your skills.

You can offer your services in this environment where the clients are very aware that you are learning and they're very encouraging to give you feedback and help you get better as a Tarot reader.

I just can't speak enough about it. You really need to get in there and start experiencing what it's like to do readings for the general public to really grow and enhance your skills.

We also have exclusive resources including little mini guides. We've got keyword reference charts. We've got imagery charts and tip sheets to quickly improve your interpretations and your Tarot storytelling.

These are just great, simple PDF resources that you can easily download and print and you can put them around you where you do your Tarot readings to make it just super easy to get into your Tarot cards. I just want to help you fast track your Tarot learning and these resources certainly help to do that.

We've also got the Tarot 101 course. This is ten-lesson course and it's designed to give you the basic foundations of Tarot.

Now, I walk you through from getting started with Tarot, like what is the Tarot, where did it come from, how do we use it to how do you buy your first Tarot deck or maybe you're up to your 50th Tarot deck, who knows. Then, how do you start to interpret the cards, but in a way that you're reading from the heart and not just the book.

That's really important, particularly if you want to use Tarot for more intuitive kinds of readings and you don't want to be memorizing 78 Tarot card meanings.

I also show you how you can do some simple three-card Tarot spreads. I walk you through the process of doing a Tarot reading from start to finish.

And I show you how to do some Tarot storytelling because that's really where the power and the magic of Tarot is. It's going beyond saying, well this is card 1 and card 1 means this. Here's card 2 and that means this. A computer can create those kinds of readings.

I want to help you look at those cards and bring them together into a meaningful story. A story that's going to help give you really deep insights into your life and also to be able to help others in understanding their lives as well.

And I give you some of my best tips around how to fully integrate Tarot into your everyday life.

That Tarot 101 course is available in the community. Again, a really great course if you're just starting your Tarot, but even really valuable if you've got a couple of years experience under your belt and you want to just make sure, “Yeah, have I got the foundations in place,” because you can learn Tarot in many different ways.

I certainly teach in a special and unique way as well. I want to make sure that you have all of the skills and resources available to you so that you can become a confident and intuitive Tarot reader.

All right, can you believe there's still more in the community that I haven't been able to show you yet? One of these things is the member directory. The member directory is designed to make it really easy to find obviously your tribe members, but things like finding a study buddy.

We've found in our courses and programs that being able to connect two people who are really interested in Tarot, who can then go and meet say on Skype and practice Tarot readings together or share different spreads or just ask questions of one another, that that's incredibly valuable.

We've set up the member directory so that it's easy to find those study partners. You can either be meeting on Skype or you can even meet locally.

We also have a function so that you can find people within your country and so that you can reach out to those people individually and perhaps even suggest a local meet-up.

Now, I've also offered out community members some really exclusive insider perks and deals on our best Biddy Tarot courses and offerings.  As a community member, you'll receive some really awesome discounts on our best programs.

You’ll get access to all of these tools, training and connections as a member of the Biddy Tarot Community. It's right at your fingertips whenever you want them. All in the one place.

But really, the thing that you’ll love most about the Biddy Tarot Community isn’t just the trainings or even all of the helpful tools you’ll receive, it’s the people. As a member, you’ll join one of the fastest growing discussions of modern Tarot in everyday life on the planet.

And as a member of this inclusive and friendly community, you will have everything that you need to become a more skilled, more confident Tarot card reader… and ultimately, be able to bring more intuition and wisdom into your everyday life. You and I both know how important that is.

So, I really do invite you to join the Biddy Tarot Community today – your tribe is waiting for you!


Head on over to for all the details.

I would love to welcome you into the community and introduce you to all of the beautiful, wonderful members who are already in there sharing their love for Tarot and their knowledge of Tarot with everyone that's in the community.

Come and join us. It's over at


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