>>Download the Free PDF: The New Year Tarot Spread
In this podcast episode, Brigit shares her New Year Tarot spread to help you create a conscious 2017, reflect on 2016, and have your best year yet.
This twelve-card spread can be used any time during the year – for birthdays or anytime you need an extra sense of direction.
This spread is perfect for acknowledging the energies that are passing through your life and the energies coming into your life. It examines what you can expect and prepare for – things like love, career, health and spirituality, or personal development. It provides a point of focus for the year ahead.
With this spread, you can create a more conscious and inspired 2017.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Brigit’s twelve-card New Year Tarot spread
- A description of each card position
- What it might mean to receive a Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, Court Card, or reversed card in each position.
- How to use this spread to create your best year
Additional Resources:
- Download the free PDF version of this spread
- Five Simple Steps to Read Tarot with Confidence
- Grow Your Tarot Business Online
Podcast Transcript
Brigit: You’re listening to the Biddy Tarot Podcast, and this is Episode 56: The New Year Tarot Spread.
Welcome to the Biddy Tarot podcast, where you will learn how to connect more deeply with your intuition and live an empowered and enlightened life with the Tarot cards as your guide.
Listen as Brigit and her guests share their very best tips and strategies to help you read Tarot with confidence.
And now, here is your host Brigit Esselmont.
Brigit: Hello and welcome back to the Biddy Tarot Podcast. As always, I am so happy to have you here and wouldn't you know it, we are starting to get to the end of the year. Some of you may be thinking, “Awesome, I've done so much this year,” but others may think “Oh my goodness, where on earth did the year go?”
Today I'll share with you my very special New Year Tarot spread. It's designed to help you have the best year yet. It will help you create a conscious year ahead. Instead of flying through and hoping that everything's going to be all right, this Tarot spread helps you reflect on the year that has just passed and how you can make the most of the upcoming year.
Of course, you don't have to use this New Year Tarot spread only at the New Year. It can also be wonderful to use at the time of your birthday or really any time throughout the year where you need more guidance and direction.
Before I share this wonderful spread with you, I want to say a huge, huge thank you to everybody who has reviewed this podcast so far. We're getting some great feedback and I really appreciate it. It's an absolute joy to be in your ear buds talking about Tarot.
This one comes from Tuggy Waffles in the U.S. Tuggy Waffles says, “Biddy Tarot is amazing. Each episode is an enriching experience. Down to Earth and yet respectful of spiritual differences, this podcast covers everything you need to know about utilizing Tarot in your personal or professional life. This is the real deal, folks. Biddy is NOT some con artist or boardwalk fortune teller. If you are serious about the practice of Tarot, LISTEN NOW. Cannot thank Biddy enough! I cannot believe these podcasts are FREE. Awesome.”
Thank you so much Tuggy Waffles. That is really sweet. I am so happy that I can help you.
This one comes from terri.baran in Australia. She says, “Bridget's podcast is a wealth of information and inspiration – the audio quality is excellent.” Yay! Thanks to our podcast editor, Nuno.
“Her guest interviews are full of interesting questions and discussion and the topics are approached with professionalism and grace. There are no “holier than thou” attitudes; just genuine points of view. A super valuable resource. I look forward to the new episode each week!”
Thank you so much Terri. I really appreciate that.
If you're enjoying these podcasts, make sure that you also leave a 5-star rating on iTunes. If you write a review, I'll be sure to mention it on the podcast next time.
Let's get into the juicy stuff – the New Year Tarot spread.
As I mentioned before, the New Year's Tarot spread can also be great for birthdays or anytime during the year where you need that extra sense of direction. Maybe for a pivotal moment where you're transitioning from one thing to another and you want to get a sense of what you can learn from the experience, and how to apply that to the next twelve months.
This is a twelve-card Tarot spread. I've created a special PDF download for the spread. You can download that at BiddyTarot.com/56.
Print it out. Put it in your Tarot space. You could also use it for your clients. Of course, just acknowledge that the Tarot spread is from Biddy Tarot.
This spread is perfect for acknowledging the energies that are passing through your life and the energies that are coming into your life. It looks at what you can expect and what you can prepare for in the different areas of your life. Things like love, career, health and spirituality, or personal development. And it provides you a point of focus for the year ahead.
What does all that mean? It means that you're going to have a much more conscious and inspired year ahead because you are bringing to your awareness what's coming up and how you can make the most of your year.
Remember you can get a printable PDF download of this Tarot spread at BiddyTarot.com/56. And you can also get access to the transcript and the show notes for today.
Again, this is a 12-card spread. Imagine this in your mind. There is a bit of a layout with it. You'll see that on the PDF download, but I'm quite flexible with layouts. If you can envision the way that you would lay it out differently, go for it. It doesn't have to be exactly how I'd do it
CARDS 1 – 3
Card one is the previous year in summary.
Card two is what have you learned from the past year.
Card three is what you aspire to in the next twelve months. What empowers you in reaching your aspirations and what may stand in the way of reaching your aspirations? This includes your relationships and emotions in the coming year; your career, work, and finances; your health and well-being; your spiritual energy and inner fulfillment. What you most need to focus on for the year ahead. What will be your most important lesson in the coming year? And, overall, where are you headed in the next twelve months?
Let's dive into each of these cars because I've got some great tips about how you can interpret them and what you want to be looking for at each part of this Tarot reading. Let's break it down.
The first two cards are:
- The previous year in summary, and
- What you have learned from the previous year.
These two cards look at the energies that are passing through your life and what you can carry forward with you into the new year.
Even if a negative card comes up for your previous year, it might just show that you've had a challenging time. We all have those at some time or another during our lives. But this offers you an important life lesson that you can take forward. And that's where card number two comes in. It’s what you have learned from the past year.
If you do see a negative card coming up for your past year, always look to the life lesson learned.
With the life lesson card, if a Major Arcana card comes up, then obviously it's a pretty important karmic lesson.
If it's in the reversed position, no matter if it's a Major or Minor Arcana, there might be a lesson that hasn't been completely realized. Or, it's even possible that it hasn't been mastered in the way that it could have been.
If you see a reversed card in the second position, think about what you have learned from the past year. Consider if there something else you need to learn from this card as you approach the new year. Have you missed the mark?
Card three is what you aspire to in the next twelve months. I love aspirations because you set yourself up for what you want to create. What do you want the next 12 months to look like? What are your goals? And, a bit later in the spread, what do you need to do to manifest these goals?
If a Major Arcana card presents itself in position three, then you might be looking to create something pretty massive for the year ahead. It might be a particular theme or a life lesson that you want to master in the next 12 months.
If you're seeing a Court Card in this position, then it might an aspect of yourself or your personality that you want to express more fully.
For example, think of the Page of Cups here. Maybe you are aspiring in the next 12 months to connect with your creativity in a new way. Or maybe the King of Pentacles – maybe that's about getting your finances and career in control and establishing yourself in that area of your life.
A Minor Arcana card here might indicate what actual endeavors you want to accomplish, and what kind of situations you want to see play out in your life.
If you find a reversed card, I know that it can be easy to think, “Oh my goodness, I want all these negative things.” Well, this is not really true. Remember that reverse cards can also indicated internalized processes, keeping something private, or doing the inner work.
If you see a reversed card here in position three, it might be a sign that you want to do some inner work or you want to work on a part of yourself. It might even be something that you want to release or let go of in your life.
For example, if you have the reversed Three of Cups, perhaps it's signifying the desire to let go of an excessive party lifestyle or unfulfilling social circles.
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CARDS 4 – 5
The next two cards support your aspirations.
- Card four is what empowers you in reaching your aspirations.
- Card five is what may stand in the way of reaching your aspirations.
Card four shows the tools and resources available to you right now.
Card five, shows challenges or obstacles, so it's a good idea to figure out how to overcome those obstacles.
For example, if you get a Court card in position four, it might signify a part of your personality that will help you in this situation. A Major Arcana card might be another life lesson that's going to be helpful for you. A Minor Arcana card might show a particular situation, skill, or talent that that will help you.
CARDS 6 – 9
These four cards are designed to zone in on the most popular areas of your life. If you're looking at your own life and thinking, “I've got some other things on my mind,” then by all means, change it up. Add in those extra areas.
Here is what I've chosen, based on thousands of Tarot readings with people around the world.
- Card six is what you might experience in your relationships and emotions in the coming year.
- Card seven is what you might experience in your career, work and finances in the coming year.
- Card eight is about your health and your well-being.
- Card nine is about your spiritual energy and inner fulfillment.
I know some folks may be thinking, “Health? Why are you reading Tarot cards on health? Isn't that completely unethical?” Well, I've been quite mindful in partnering that up. I see this as your general well-being.
For example, perhaps you get the Four of Swords reversed here. That could be a sign that you need to pay attention to your health and your energy levels. Extra rest might be a good idea for the year ahead.
With spiritual energy and inner fulfillment, this examines what you might want to experience in your spiritual space and the way you work with your connection to the divine.
You might see reverse cards here, which is a sign of the inner work that's happening.
If you get an upright card, that might signify your interactions with people, events, or situations that will define your spiritual journey for the year ahead.
Relationships, career, work and finances are pretty straight forward. You're drawing a card there just to see what you might experience.
If you’re thinking, “Only one card? I want three for each,” then go for it. Do whatever you need to get the insight that you need from this Tarot reading.
However, I do recommend limiting the number of cards. If you’re drawing ten cards for relationship desperately hoping for that Ace of Cups, that might be a little too much.
Set a limit for yourself before you do the Tarot reading – perhaps two to three cards for each position. I also suggest limiting it to six priorities as well, to keep your reading focused.
One more thing: if you find a Major Arcana card in this group of four, then that's often where your main focus and attention will be put. For example, if a Major Arcana card comes up in the career position, then you would expect that the following year would be focused on career.
- Card ten is what you most need to focus on in the year ahead.
So often, we get caught up with day-to-day dramas and we totally lose sight of the bigger picture. This card will help you focus on that bigger picture and identify one thing you need to do in the year ahead. This is the one thing that needs to be top of mind for you.
If you see a Major Arcana card for position ten, it will be a great life lesson. A Minor Arcana card might indicate a particular way of being or doing that's important for you. A Court card might be an aspect of your personality that you need to express in a particular way.
For example, if you had the Nine of Pentacles, which is all about routine and being quite methodical, perhaps you need to focus on setting up routine, processes, and systems, so you can manifest the goals you truly desire.
- Card ten is what you most need to focus on in the year ahead.
So often, we get caught up with day-to-day dramas and we totally lose sight of the bigger picture. This card will help you focus on that bigger picture and identify one thing you need to do in the year ahead. This is the one thing that needs to be top of mind for you.
If you see a Major Arcana card for position ten, it will be a great life lesson. A Minor Arcana card might indicate a particular way of being or doing that's important for you. A Court card might be an aspect of your personality that you need to express in a particular way.
For example, if you had the Nine of Pentacles, which is all about routine and being quite methodical, perhaps you need to focus on setting up routine, processes, and systems, so you can manifest the goals you truly desire.
- Card eleven is your most important lesson in the coming year.
This card shows you the lesson to learn over the coming year. Just like the previous year's lesson, a Major Arcana card will probably show a life changing lesson. A reversed card will show a lesson that maybe you’re not getting. And a Minor Arcana card can show a challenge or an endeavor that you're working on.
I think this lesson card can be another one of those nice guiding lights for the year ahead. You might even want to keep a picture of the lesson card and focus cards nearby throughout the year to keep you on track with where you're heading.
Cards ten and eleven are designed to help you zoom out of the day-to-day stuff and focus on the year as a whole.
- Card twelve is where you are headed in the next twelve months.
Everyone likes to know what's going to happen, so this card can certainly meet that need. It can also be a good indication of where are things heading in general.
Of course, if you're getting a positive card here, then that’s awesome. Keep doing what you're doing and really strive towards that goal.
However, if you find that it's an undesirable card, such as the Five of Cups, you might think, “I don't really want to feel regret and sadness, although maybe it's here to serve a purpose.”
In this example, you might go back to your lesson or focus card and see how can you harness that energy in a positive way and determine what changes might you need to make in order to create the outcomes you want.
When looking at card twelve, it’s helpful to reflect back on card three, which is your aspirations for the next twelve months. Look for the alignment. It's one thing to aspire to something, but it's another thing to actually make that happen.
If you see a lack of alignment between these two cards, then you need to take action to bring them together. If you are seeing a lot of alignment, keep doing what you're doing. You're totally on the right track.
I really encourage you to take some time to print out the PDF download at BiddyTarot.com/56 and do the reading for yourself.
Make sure you write it down. This is one of those big, pivotal Tarot spreads!
Give yourself sufficient time and space to dive deep into these cards. This isn't a quick, ten-minute reading. This is something that you want to spend probably at least an hour to two exploring.
Again, make sure you record it because you'll probably refer to it over the next twelve months. It will be very interesting to see how things turn out and how that's reflected back in the Tarot cards that you’ve drawn.
Now, you might want to compliment it a two-card draw for each month:
- What have I learnt from the previous month?
- What do I need to learn or what might come up for me in the month ahead?
I want you to have a conscious and inspired life, rather than floating through and living on default. Make conscious choices and manifest your goals. It's all available to you and the Tarot can help you.
There you have it. That is the New Year Tarot spread. To print your copy of this spread, go to BiddyTarot.com/56. You'll also get access to the transcript for today's episode and our show notes.
In the show notes, you'll find a link to the top ten Tarot cards for the New Year. These are the really interesting cards you want to see in your yearly Tarot readings.
If you enjoyed today's episode, make sure you also sign up for my Five Simple Steps workbook that leads you through fun activities that will help connect you to the Tarot intuitively. It's totally free. You can sign up at BiddyTarot.com/5ss to get access to the workbook and our newsletters with the weekly Tarot forecast.
It is coming to the end of the year, so that means we're taking a short break here at Biddy Tarot until January 17th. That's when you'll get our next podcast episode.
This break is good for winding down, relaxing and dialing back to previous podcast episodes to find your favourites. We are up to episode 56 here, so that means there are many episodes to take advantage of.
I wish you an absolutely wonderful break and a very happy and prosperous new year.
It's been an absolutely joy to be in your ear buds. To think we just started this in January 2016, and here we are at the end of 2016 with 56 episodes done. It’s so wonderful to have you listening to these podcasts and sharing your feedback and good juju.
A huge thank you and I wish you so much love and fun with the Tarot cards. I'll connect with you again in 2017.